500 word essay due at midnight about favorite movie

>500 word essay due at midnight about favorite movie
>haven't started

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Just write about Citizen Kane, chicks love it

use birth of nation, write only 50 words and they will ask you to stop reading

if its your favorite movie, it should be easy. I could easily write a multi-thousand word essay on my favourite film in an hour or so; and in fact i do this very often, despite the fact i am a NEET. also 500 words is nothing, pussy.

use Call me by your name as a hint

500 words is 1 page dummy

Like i can even write 150 meaningless mumbo jumbo words before even writing about the movie

You retarded fuck stop complaining. I have a 4,500 word report along with over 30 academic references I have to do by the end of this month and Im at 3,000 word mark along with 25 references.

What's your favorite movie, user?

>he can't write 1500 words in three hours

>500 words
seriously? that's just a couple paragraphs. i could make up enough crap about a capeshit movie being my favorite to fill 500 words

Yeah don't care nerd. Maybe you should study how to not he a fag lmao

>OMG is this in black and white? I HATE old movies!!!!

It’s a meme you dip

>He doesn't know how much effort it takes to find quality academic references.

>I envy you, man
>tfw 2000 letter essay due till the end of this month

This meme made me self-conscious the other night. I ended up writing almost 2,000 words for a fucking RPG recap from my last session.

Who are you quoting?

>2 pages of my Frozen Coloring book due tomorrow at noon
>ate all my crayons

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just make them up you retard, they don't actually check

Dude, they don't digest!
Quick go poop!!

Maybe in land of the free, but here in europe, they do
by the way, not that user.

i wish i was this smart in college

Intro stating film, year made, director etc
250 words summarizing plot
Paragraph on why you like it
Outro recommending film to others

Paper done

>Who are you qoting?

Attached: soy jack.jpg (387x437, 21.96K)

just do american psycho and ramble about how much you love repeating digits desu

I miss when these threads were more common

Whatever pussy, I have to write a 30 page thesis in type 9 font about my numerous raids on ISIS, while compiling my 40 hour recordings of live interviews in the theatre of war and edit my footage to be PG13 all the while showing America as anything but the bad guys. This is due by the end of this week and I've been too busy smoking weed and crushing pussy to give a fuck. Afterwards I need to present these findings to the UN infront of 800 ambassadors. You don't know shit.

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>100 word essay due in a fortnight
>inkwell dry and out of candles

>turks are besieging the city again

>10 page report about the relationship between Lagrange duality and projective duality due in two months
>I've started because I'm not a dumb frogposter

This. If you're still short, add in some memorable quotes and goofs from IMDB, what awards it won, what subsequent films were influenced by it, etc.

>The Shining is my favorite movie. Let's delve deep into this masterpiece, while examining Kubrick's hints that he helped fake the moon landing. People in space, am I right?