Movies like this

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The human city from the matrix is vaccinating people? Based.

it makes them immune to machines

Oh may, they want for people to not be sick and not get others sick, how terrible


reminds me of that kid that sued his parents for being antivaxxers and how he told that he had to sneak out to get vaccinated

>We should really be giving kids Colloidal silver!

The movie you're looking for is called Gray State


It was about a rise up against government oppression by Americans against the US government. But it never got made.

The director was murdered mysteriously in his home.

Cast it.

Its a real shocker.

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Shills in overdrive.

It's obvious to anyone with above 100 IQ that this pandemic was planned and that the goal is a one world system tracks and controls every aspect of your life. Look up Bill Gates, Event 201 and ID2020

>Ay, yo, Tone

All anti-vaxxers should be injected with arsenic.

Schizo general thread?

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You’re retarded and no one takes you seriously

State gaining more power doesn't mean this virus was made by some secret lizard cabal you retard

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>It's obvious to anyone with above 100 IQ that this pandemic was planned and that the goal is a one world system tracks and controls every aspect of your life. Look up Bill Gates, Event 201 and ID2020

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They Live

David Icke ep.3's finna be lit

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>above 100
More like 75, but yes I agree

Show the unaltered version.

Imagine being a used up 40 year old roastie who finally decides to settle down, and out surprise, surprise, its retarded. Unwilling to take any personal responsibility, you blame the doctors for giving him autism and parade your vegetable on social media, proclaiming him a grace from god when if not for modern sympathies this creature would have its brains dashed against the wall to cut its cruel existence short. Congratulations, you are now an antivaxxer

>It's obvious to anyone with above 100 IQ...
>Implying you have one even close to that.

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All anti-vaxxers should be injected with chickenpox.

That brave Mr trump...

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trump cant even be compared favorably with denethor

Why are you posting these Zionist altered cartoons?

solid bait

Woah dude, I didn’t believe you til you said over 100 IQ. I’m a smart guy so you must be right.

watching that woman plead as she's being restrained is kino as fuck, but there should be some black cops in this image for added effect

Explain this

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