You are now aware that every time someone uses the transporter their entire bodies got deconstructed at the atomic...

You are now aware that every time someone uses the transporter their entire bodies got deconstructed at the atomic level, and then recreated somewhere else, essentially killing them.

All of the crew has died hundreds if not thousands of times.

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The soul is independent from the body

You mean hundreds of their predecessors died. You can't die more than once.

Do you think humans are capable to create technology that can transport souls?

The "soul" does not exist.

Barclay was able to move while being transported and pull people out of whatever transport thing they were in. Transporters can't kill if you remain conscious during transportation.

They aren't deconstructed. They are converted into energy, and that energy is later converted back.

The soul doesn't exist, brainlet.

If the transporter keeps their brain activity, simulated or real, running continuously as it's being transported between real life and the transporter buffer, they aren't really dying

But if their identical copies are reconstructed then why does it matter?

This is why Reginald Barclay was the only smart one

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Fun fact when you go to sleep you "die". Everything you were yesterday is gone just a bunch of selective memories you have. Go ahead, try to remember everything you did yesterday. Everything you said. Now do that for 2 days ago. 3 days ago. 15 days ago. 60 days ago

Why do I have to remember? I could just construct a rig that records me 24/7.

Since energy/matter cannot be created or destroyed, you are technically being ripped apart at a subatomic level, and then reconstructed out of the same stuff. You would still be you.

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I don't even remember what I did an hour ago

You would technically have died though.
>you are technically being ripped apart at a subatomic level
This kills you, regardless of if you are reconstructed or not.

You are now aware that every seven years (or 10, depending on which story you hear) we become essentially new people, because in that time, every cell in your body has been replaced by a new cell.

a new soul is created along with the new body

You are now aware that you are breathing

No. Nothing has been removed or added from the universe. It's similar to quantum entanglement.

i can barely remember what i ate today and have no recollection of my dreams last night, i'm already dead

>No. Nothing has been removed or added from the universe.
What does this have to do with dying or not? Nothing is removed or added from the universe when you die.

I think there was a Star Trek novel where Kirk and Bones were talking about this and wondered if they kill someone every time they stuff someone in a transporter for the first time.

I think they conclude that they don't, due to the persons soul

then how does one's "pattern" get lost in the "buffer"? how does it create life when it made two rikers or fused neelix and tuvok together? how did scotty keep himself alive for 80 years by looping himself through it indefinitely?

>The soul doesn't exist
Yours doesn't because you're an npc. The soul albeit illusory is a tangible thing. It is the sense of self, knowing you exist.

Except for Brain cells. Look it up

You also die when you go to sleep or take a nap. A new entity awakens with the neurochemical memories of your previous existence.

If it were tangible, you could demonstrate that it exists - but you can't. Self-awareness isn't anything particularly special. A number of species with high encephalization quotients have developed it.

There are too many episodes about people dying or getting closes throught this teleporter, i always found this weird, isnt it suposed to be the safer transport ever?

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thanks joe

but the actual material in your brain cells still change through metabolism

nice try ESL

Trek transporters don't just recreate your atoms somewhere else, they *transfer your quantum state*, this is almost impossible to duplicate or store, and it's basically your "soul" or as close as you can get to a soul in Trek's rational universe

Stop making things up.

Quit exploring the lore of Star Trek and upvote OP's post!

so the soul is transported too?

source is your ass

every atom in the universe has a quantum pair, they're essentially the same atom. One is in your body the other is just floating in space somewhere. When you teleport you take the floaty atom and place it where you want to be and the one in your body goes to where the floaty one used to be. You're not reconstructing using different atoms, you're using the same atoms.

Pretty much. But it was just the two of them chatting shit while drinking, so it wasn't based on anything but what they were comfortable thinking

By definition you always die when going into a teleporter. You're just not supposed to be able to tell since the old being is always destroyed at the same time as the new being is created at the other side to maintain the illusion of it being the same being passing through.

But make no mistake, for the original being that steps into the teleporter their existence always ends right there and they never experience anything ever again. You just wouldn't be able to tell the difference when observing it since the new being would have the exact same personality, appearance and memories as the original.

so what are souls made of in ST?

just because we haven't devised a measure doesn't mean it is immeasurable.