What did you think of Black Panther?

What did you think of Black Panther?

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I actually thought it was a very fun adventure movie.

>I'm da captain America now

Black don't cra-

who's this crackhead?

he looks like when fofty lost weigh for that aids movie

Probably for a role, stop overreacting.

That ex MCU employee larp thread who said Namor will be black and the face of their movies doesn't sound so crazy now.

I legitimately was bothered some super powered society like that existed on Earth and I know it's racist but it being in africa was laughable to me. That being said it at least had the balls to have some conviction about shit unlike Thor Ragnarok which felt like a nerdy beta making himself a clown to appeal to people in class

He’s dying of aids for a role? Wow

Now THAT'S method acting.

what happened to him?

I have not seen it and don't intend to. Superhero movies are for children. As I am not a child, I will not watch them.

i think it should be remade with a white guy, kinda like how the black get all the white roles now

Fell for the "it's a movement and deserves an oscar" meme and went in with a critical mind geared towards that. It didnt click until I saw the African print gown it clicked it was just a goofy movie with bad cgi and should be judged for that.
Then it was fun.

>make video to promote some shit to help nigger
>everyone only talk of how he looks like he's got AIDS

This guy said that black namor fucks Susan storm and she gets pregnant, I am not an expert in Marvel but that this arc is canon in the comics, it is not better Susan storm fucks with dr Doom?

Complete shit. At no point did they depict Wakanda as this hyper-advanced metropolis. If anything, it made them look like ignorant spear chuckers that stumbled on some tech from an alien civilization.

It was ok, some fun moments, but the blatant CGI at the end (especially in the Killmonger fight, I was almost reaching for a controller at that point) jolted me out of it.

I do not think Marvel asks it.

Tom Hanks BTFO, he didn't even get AIDS to film Philadelphia

>from mudpies to hyper-advanced tech
it's not racist, not in the slightest, to call it so is to blatantly ignore reality

i really think he was based enough to realize black panther is a mediocre film that gut puffed up for cash and altruism, historic creative revisionism, i know he knows the film is bland historic or not

damn udonis haslem looks like that

he's probably one of those dumb blacks that fall for the vegan meme. I always felt that hippie vegan black power vibe from him.

I read now that's he's vegetarian...nah. he's on full vegan diet now.

nigga turnt into crack panther

>I was in the pictures you know... my movie made a billion dollars you know. Can I please get a dime bag?

He’s been spending too much time with Don Cheadle

what happened to this poor nigerian man?

He fucked too many hookers and got AIDS.

More like Crack Panther ammirite?

Quarantine be like smoke crack everyday

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