What are some Christian kinos?

What are some Christian kinos?

Just finished watching Kingdom of Heaven.

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The Godfather

The Exorcist


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The Mission

The one with Schwarzy where he fights the forces of hell in a church.

Directors cut?

Not an argument

Yeah, the theatrical version is shit


There was no argument, I just posted a christian kino

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Valley of the Bees is the best crusader film ever made.

>Kingdom of Heaven.
Did you even watch it or are you just shitposting? It's anti-christian propaganda.

talk about being fragile and defensive

>It's anti-christian propaganda.
how's that?

Diary of a Country Priest although that's probably not what you're looking for

The Gospel According to Matthew

It doesnt portray either side as correct.
Saladin and Baldwin are both shown as good leaders surrounded by incompetent war-mongers. Obviously you see more Christian bad guys because its from a christian perspective. Just like how you also see more Christian good-guys.

It never portrays any of the Muslims in the movie as bloodthirsty villains like it does all the crusaders except Baldwin and Balian

t. shitskins

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>Tree of Life
>Thin Red Line
>Unironically God's Not Dead 2 just for Ray Wise

>All the Christian clergy are portrayed as terrible, selfish, people
>Crusaders are moustache twirling villains who slaughter innocent Muslims for no reason. They are purely motivated by greed for land and money

>Just finished watching Kingdom of Heaven.
that film was pretty meh and the only christian thing about it are muh crusader aesthetics

watch Calvary aside from the recs from other anons

sounds accurate

mohamed was a pedo and so are you.


>that colbert

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i guess im based then

The Cavalier who attacks Baldwin for no good reason. There are only 3 Muslim characters in the film. Saladin, his advisor and that cavalier.
Also its not just Baldwin and Balian. You are forgetting
Baldwin's sister
Balian's father and his entire company
The Hospitaller knight
Literally all the minor characters Balian knights during the Siege. It's more accurate to say Reynald and Guy are the bad crusaders among good people.

So if you count them all up you have 1/3 muslim characters being bad and 2/6 christian characters being bad.

It’s not, the bishop of Jerusalem in real life showed much bravery when defending the city, but in the movie he’s a bumbling coward. The crusader that leads the raid in the movie that cuts down an innocent Muslim caravan never did that in real life.

>They are purely motivated by greed for land and money
.. I mean, they were

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Imagine completely and totally unironically worshiping a dead jewish hippie

>The Cavalier who attacks Baldwin for no good reason.
I don’t remember this, can you link me to this scene.
>Baldwin's sister
A woman, not a crusader
>The Hospitaller knight
Outright says that he was fighting for land and money, and not God. Clearly portraying the crusading cause as a false one

Ridley Scott is an athiest and he always adds jabs at the West and particularly Christianity in his period pieces.

I wouldn't say Kingdom of Heaven is Christian kino. The only good characters are either areligious, Muslim or Christian's who have lost their faith. The Templars are evil anti-Islamic fanatics, and the Hospitilars are good and dont really believe in religon.

They weren’t. Many knights who went on crusade sold their lands at home so they could venture east. They truly believed they were performing a Pious act

The Greatest Story Ever Told
>do with my body as you please, its worthless, but my soul its eternal, you cant touch it

Those knights crusaded a century before.

The film was about the ones who had lived in the kingdom for the last 100 years.

Literally the scene after Balian arrives in the Holy Land he is attacked by a belligerent muslim whom he BTFOs but you never see people crying about this

A lot of the actual knights were Normans. ie literal Vikings. They weren't motivated by religion they were just doing what Normans had been doing for the past 100 years. Except this time with the bonus of getting all their sins forgiven.

I remember being forced to watch this low budget movie about a husband who watched porn and his bitch wife leaving him after finding out. The acting was awful, they talked like they were underpaid hardware store employees trying to sell you some garden supplies.

The worst part was that they had a "make up kiss" scene near the end but they obscured them with smoke and light. because both actors were married and refused to kiss each other for the film, which just proved they weren't real actors.

Anybody who's trying to push religion on Yas Forums is a fucking weirdo. They neither went to a Christian School growing up or regularly come here. If you found religion good for you but keep it to yourself ok cunt?

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This. All Christians are evil.

So what? You think the ones who had been loving their for decades didn’t believe they were fighting for a holy cause?
Oh please, this isn’t even anything compared to how the evil crusaders are portrayed in the movie. This cavalier has a duel with Balian because he’s trespassing. The crusaders ambush and murder innocent people because they’re evil

Andrei Rublev

>Normans. ie literal Vikings

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>...[our men] were killing and slaying even to the Temple of Solomon, where the slaughter was so great that our men waded in blood up to their ankles...
>In this temple 10,000 were killed. Indeed, if you had been there you would have seen our feet coloured to our ankles with the blood of the slain. But what more shall I relate? None of them were left alive; neither women nor children were spared.

Stop talking about religion on Yas Forums. Nobody fucking cares if you found Christ.
Nobody fucking care about any of this.

The wannabe missionaries who come on Yas Forums are tourists. There isn't anybody who goes here that is an actual moral person. Religious assholes who try to tell you to join their religion if you are unhappy are just like the tranny's that tell you to change your gender if you're unhappy.

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The last kingdom. I know it’s about badass Vikings but it’s got some gay ass christcuck shit in there to fill your needs.