What is your opinion of this film?

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best scene


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Really good. Great performances across the board, plenty of funny low-key physical comedy, snappy writing, fantastic casting. Easily one of the best comedy films of the 2010s although that's not exactly a competitive category.

>dude communism is funny
trash film made by a socialist

Pretty funny

Fantastic, I watched it with my first girlfriend

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It's the funniest British movie in years.

>British people
I thought hiring russians to act for a bottle of vodka would've been better and cheaper

Beria is pretty based and have nice taste.

I liked it but expected more jokes for some reason

>noooo communism is heckin bad!
Yikes! Can you say... soi?

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an idiots opinion is still an opinion i suppose

Have you ever seen a Russian try to be funny? It's hard to watch.

Stalin isnt exactly well loved. But Russians are going to act in a Wastern movie about how any part of their history was bad.

t. retard
the whole fucking point is the horrifying absurdity that was communism under Stalin and his cronies

One of the best comedies I've seen in a decade.

jews? perfect for their respective roles

>Jews good
>Crony capitalism good
>Socialism bad

Accurate for the movie.

Based Jews

I didn't enjoy it as much as I was expecting to, but I would watch it again.


>movie no one talked about before gets added to Netflix
>suddenly threads about it every day
And people say shills don’t post here.

it's been talked about when it came out retard

Very good film. I've watched it like four times by now, enjoyed it more and more every time

hello quarantine summerfag

My 2018 MOTY

now more people have the opportunity to see the film, duh

It was decent, but was a little overrated since some people were calling it one of the greatest comedies of all time and whatnot. The performances were overall very good.

the funniest thing about the movie is how they had to photoshop Jeffrey Tambor out of the posters because he got metood

life imitates art imitates life

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Good, but not great. Maybe my expectations were too high.