Kira Yoshikage

Why is it JoJo villains after Dio are more sympathetic and rootable than the "protagonists"?

Attached: Kira_decides_to_tail_Shigechi.jpg (1280x720, 127.7K)

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How is this degenerate sympathetic?

shonen protagnists are always the most boring part of shonen. also dont watch anime manga is superior in everyway

He wanted to live a peaceful life and slowly he became more attached and even began to love his "wife".

meruem did nothing wrong.

Attached: Meruem_Komugi_108.png (1280x720, 864.86K)

>also dont watch anime manga is superior in everyway
It's baffling how hard manga dabs on anime

>no music

>no loud noises and flashing lights?

>manga is superior in everyway
Not always. For Jojo the manga is better.

it frustrates me when people say they watch the anime instead of reading the manga there are few cases when anime is better but theres literally no excuse

Some people prefer visual media over reading. It's not a case of which they think is superior it's just preference.

Nah, I love Josuke and have gay dreams about him

>a movie is just as good if you turn the volume off and only use subtitles

le peaceful life bros he is ds relatable and did nothing wrong except murder lots of people jojo is so deep

a better question is why was the last seas on so shit?

Pucci is the worst though. Though White Snake was cool

because burgers cant read

it had some great ideas and production value but the characters just weren't compelling, partially because they were fagbait.
I don't know, maybe pacing was also an issue?

Because araki likes to make each part pretty different than the previous and part 4 was that good


most of the people he killed were pieces of shit

>pacing was also an issue
100%. it felt like every other episode was filler.

>a story meant to be told in movie form and a film meant to be told in comic form are the same thing

Bucciaratti saved the season for me

it was losing me until they arrived in Venice and then it was kino from then on

Japs have shit taste and it's their favorite season

JoJo is shit and for literal faggots

I'll always take a TV/movie adaptation first. You can't beat good acting/voice acting, music, cinematography/animation etc etc

The only villains who are truly sympathetic are Pucci and Jobin if he ends up being the main villain. You can kind of feel bad for Kira until you realize that he causes all his own problems. Sure he says he wants to live a quiet life but if he really did then he wouldn't go around killing people. You can also say that he can't help himself but that's true of many serial killers, they still need to be stopped.

As for Funny Valentine, people often hold him up as this patriot who is doing what he does for his country, but that's all an act. Valentine is such a great villain and is so charismatic that he actually tricks the reader into thinking he actually gives a shit about his country. Truth is that Valentine only ever cared about himself, his speech about taking the first bite at the table shows that.

Pucci and Jobin do assholish things, but at least you can understand their reasoning. Pucci wants to make the world a better place and thinks that he'll do that if his plan works, while Jobin mostly wants to protect his daughter(male).

seriously? I guess they just really love the Italian fashionista shtick.

Get a load of this retard

Meruem did a lot of things wrong without realizing why they were wrong. When he started to view some people other than himself as having value he started growing morally as a person. His plan in the end was still to keep humans on reservations and raise some of them as meat though, which isn't exactly a good thing to do.

Valentine = Kira > Pucci = Jobin > DIO > Dio > Diavolo > Kars > Akefu

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Nah, that fag was part of the problem, though he was a better protagonist than GioGio