"I Love You: Now die"

A Documentary about the true nature of women

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she was deeply disturbed and depressed. and she helped him a few times before when he tried to kill himself. it was too much for her and he dumped all his emotional garbage on her. she really did help him, that dude seriously wanted to die.

just look at her dude, those are the eyes of a person that knows pain.

If she was ugly you wouldn't give her that simpathy.

she did nothing wrong tbqh

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She's ugly though

I don't understand people that defend her. I mean if we're going to pursue that logic that what she did was free speech, then Charles Manson and every other cult leader were innocent as well.

She did not deserve the punishment she got and her "crime" was rather morally ambiguous.

My guys: Are you simping on a manipulative bitch?

it was clear she was living a sick fantasy and she pushed him to his death for attention

Pretty sure you don't need this kind of help. She exploited his weakness and became his confident. She's a sick perverted abusive and manipulative person.

The only real takeaway from this documentary is they were both nuts.

you're right telling somebody to kill themselves shouldn't be a crime. But if the genders were reverse libtards would be kvetching about him getting off too easy because of the sexist legal system.


she's kinda ugly though.

exploit it for what? did you watch the documentary? they led a highly negative and damaging relationship, it was bound to produce some shit like this. I don't think she acted like a monster. She certainly didn't manipulate him to do anything he didn't want to do. If you try to kill yourself almost a dozen times, you really want to die. And judging from what's known about her, she's already living in hell. Just look at her balding spots, that's not normal. Heavy mental illness creates something like that.

Kill yourself

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Even ignoring the issue of free speech (though that is still relevant to this case, and especially relevant on a site where people tell others to "kys" all the time), she was a stupid, fucked up kid who did something that she might not have understood was wrong. The guy was suicidal and had attempted suicide before her and she had tried to talk him out of it for years, and she was also mentally ill and on medications, and the latter point is always ignored in these conversations of course.
Quite frankly when you deal with someone constantly threatening suicide at you you eventually do want them to die so I can see her reaching her breaking point, plus she was a fucked up, medicated kid, not a medical professional who could deal with a suicidal person. Other underage people got reduced sentences (or sometimes none at all) for far more clear cut crimes, like the affluenza kid.

their own friends didn't want her


Enjoy getting arrested now.

the affluenza kid was just a rich asshole

Whores have to be put on thot patrol and not allowed to use subterfuge and manipulation any more than men can use violence. Women sow the seeds of society's destruction by corrupting men.

she did nothing wrong

>If you try to kill yourself almost a dozen times, you really want to die.
nealry a dozen suicide ATTEMPTS sound like a cry for help to me. if he really wanted to die he'd chosen a method that work the first time around. if he's really retarded, the second attept should have been enough.

Charles Manson was innocent

Yeah but she cute tho

what did he do ?


Charles Manson was 100% innocent. Women just enjoyed playing the "TEEHEE I'm brainwashed" card when consequences came their way so Charles became the fall guy.

I suddenly understand the femcels who obsess over serial killers. She mad cute.

Can't wait for the inevitable adaptation.

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Years later and she unironically did nothing wrong still. Only incels would disagree.

looks like my ex.

never trust a woman anons, not even tomboys.

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11 months time out is too much for "lol kys faggot"

she has charisma in photos but she can't act. next, please

If someone wants to kill themselves you should just let them. It’s not your place to force them to stay alive.

i disagree and i am a fuckboy.

as much as i detest Yas Forums, i would never want one of these fucks to hero themself.
Only edgy bitter losers think that she did nothing wrong, they dont enjoy life and thus want others to suffer and to see the world for what they see it.. shit.
But the truth is that the reality is neither good or bad but what we decide to make it.
edgy niggers decided that its suffering so they suffer and try to drag others into their world.

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reported to FBI