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Did they seriously name this meme after TikTok?
Why does he look so smug?
No, tiktok was named after our honored ancestor Tiktaalik.
Because he found a niche to exploit.
>fish walks out of ses
>now I am cursed to exist with my feels
They are doing it again bros...
Explain to me how this fish evolved into a humam
Where dem ambhibian women at?
to subvert your expectations
Why did he do it?
What the fuck was his problem?
He knew exactly what he was doing the asshole.
It grew legs u retard
to get away from non-euclidean architecture
Over untold number of generations and incremental changes in their bodyplan generation by generation caused by evolutionary processes.
That fish has essentially the same fundemental morphology as you, a spine, 4 limbs, 2 eyes, central nervous system, lungs (though primitive), trough gut (aka food goes in from mouth, and out trough but) etc.
Jesus showed up and shoved an apple up it's ass.
Post prehistory etc documentary kino.
Walking with X series was fucking amazing to me back when I was a kid.
Walking with Beasts had the best opening theme.
>to get away from non-euclidean architecture
Why is this shit in the ocean, who put it there?
I will never understand how athiests make fun of Christians but seriously believe this fish thing was a human millions of years ago. Makes 0 sense considering mammals and fish are completely different genuses of vertebrae.
He was an incel and there was no gfs in the ocean
lmao whites actually believe this
Where is the science here
My ancestor :3
Alien magic
If you could go back and time and kill Tiktaalic would you?
In fossil records, study of modern lifeforms, genetic studies and evolutionary theory.
Someone else would have eventually done it, suffering is inevitable.
M8, you do realize that the fish modern fish descend from are no longer around, right? It is not like evolution stopped for them after tiktaalik crawled out of the sea. Evolution is not a linear process, but a constantly branching one. We share a common ancestor with modern fish and tiktaalik, but modern fish on the other hand, aren't descendants of tiktaalik.
I'd go back in time billions of years ago to the very first organic molucules converged into the very first living cell and kill it to save mother nature from us humans and parasites and diseases.
If you don't believe in evolution but you believe in noah's ark, moses parting the red sea, the burning bush, adam and eve, etc, you are literally retarded.
Unfortunately it's retards like this that reproduce the most. We're fucked.
Evolution is just a theory. It's not true. Stop spreading false beliefs...
Cool headcanon, hat tipper.
What functional difference does it make?
based smoothbrain
That's part and parcel of your dogma of evolution mate, the strong (us ChristChads) outbreed and are more successful then you atheist r*dditors
This is based.
So according to the theory of evolution, Christtards and Mudslimes are heavily out-competing fedoracels?
congratulations! You evolved yourself lungs, what's the next step of your master plan?
I don't get how people can't grasp the concept of evolution.
It isn't fucking complicated.
It is based on very simple concepts:
>Living things reproduce and pass on their traits, but in a way where the offspring generally aren't identical to their parent/s because of mutations/variability brought by sexual reproduction (main reason why sexual reproduction is so prevalent)
>Living things need space and resources to survive, but there are limited amounts of those things, thus forcing living things to compete for survival in any given environment
>Those living things that have the traits best suited for survival and further reproduction, in turn pass on these beneficial traits to the next generation and so on.
>over countless generations, the above processes lead to even radical changes in various lineages of living beings, as they adapt to exploit various niches in their environment.
And there, you have evolution. It isn't complicated at all. This video explains it in even further detail.
>hey grandson. Your ol' granpappy ain't too old to stand on his 4 legs for a while haha
Cool non argument, retard.
WTF, is this real?
And a male and female rabbit given infinite food (welfare) and no natural predators will outproduce anything.
That's why we should hunt you idiots down like the animals you are.
The widespread prevalence of religiosity being due to religious populations being more capable of surviving and expanding their living space than non religious societies is completely within the scope of evolutionary science, and actually goes a long way to explain why people tend to be religious. Moral and cultural values are also under evolutionary pressures, which is why the sort of "muh tolerance" feel good liberalism is utterly dysgenic, and will be out-competed by cultures that just exploit the tolerance and charity of the liberals and never give anything back.
This is why I am basically an ethnonationalistic fascist. We need moral values that push our own survival as the most important moral good.
Seething r*dditor. You didn't even present an argument, you just shilled your fanfic.
Lmfaooo ok bud don't get too angry now
These are simple concepts to you. A hard thing to learn if you're above average intelligence or even average is to discover that what is basic to you is too complicated to many people you interact with. These people literally cannot understand evolution.
Very slowly
Absolutely seething hothead
Based post