Star Wars

So, did Kylo bang Rey or die a virgin? The novelisation made the kiss platonic.

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I thought they were brother and sister

Rey lost her virginity to finn

Actually sweety Kylo and Hux are my gay babies

It was anal immediately

The novelization is not the movie. The book is completely irrelevant.

Why? Kylo is Han and Leia's kid, while Rey is Palpatine's granddaughter.

>that kiss
Who's the retard that thought that's a good idea? How the cuck can a kids be platonic? A kiss like that!

It’s Rey Skywalker . So they are brother and sister

Are you retarded? She is Rey Palpatine. Not blood related to Skywalkers.

I don't believe this is biologically possible. I don't think any normal man can maintain an erection looking at her.

She literally told that lady her name was Rey Skywalker . They made 9 movies to repeatedly tell you that fucking your big bro is ok

She's not biologically a Skywalker. It's only a name that she chose for herself. She was born as Rey Palpatine.

>they are not blood related so it is actually okay
I bet you watch anime.

Didn't they imply they were cousins for the two previous movies?

Ben Solo and Rey Skywalker/Palpatine. They have different last names, they aren't siblings. Don't be a retard.

Do you have something to tell us about your sister user

Kylo is Luke and leias incest kid
Rey is ???
Is literally double retard incest. That was the motto of the whole franchise

and anakin was palpatines son

They aren't brother and sister, she took Ben Skywalker's last name after kissing him like the good Christian woman she is.

Well in the movie I watched I saw Ben Skywalker and Rey Skywalker kiss

ddamn so i should bang my stepsister then?

They literally made 9 elaborate space movies and this is the only take away I got from it

If she's into 300 pound neckbeards, sure, go for it

This, it's a reference to the hapsburg dynasty specifically Charles II whose death led to the Spanish Succession War and weakening of the family's control. Hence "Kill the past, let it die. It's the only way for [Europe] to become what you truly are". Of course the smoothbrains who can't see JJ's genius will slam it regardless

Based rey hater

This . The smooth brains in this thread ignoring all of the glaring incest themes over 9 movies

Wtf are you retarded?


She choose that name. Luke and Leia gave her the approval. She is not a true Skywalker.

>Luke and Leia gave her the approval
When specifically was this shown in the movie ?

At the end you fucking retard, their force ghost appears, Luke does a gesture as "yeah, you can use our name even that you didn't earn it"