Movie critics

>movie critics

Is this some kind of joke?

Attached: rottentomatoes.png (1106x952, 194.55K)

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This list further proves that Yas Forums is filled with loser contrarians in denial over the fact that the golden age of cinema is happening RIGHT NOW and it's not just white men who are participating in it anymore.

>all those niggershit movies

>tfw Joker is the most reviewed movie of all time on RT because journos were seething
>outlets would have like 4 different reviews for it

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First time looked this and what the fuck.

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>Recent "woke" movies that are reviewed more often and have to get a good score for the reviewer to appear woke
>Very old movies nobody cares to talk shit about.

This, cape hero movies are KINO and as you can see almost all Marvel movies are in the top 100 movies of all time.

>black panther
>toy story 4

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This fucking top 100 listing. Is this real life?

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wtf I love IMDB top 250 now!

Do we really need 400-500 people to tell us if a movie is good or not. Besides, we all know the true goat.

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>film reviewer
This is the lowest profession ever conceived by any civilization, prove me wrong.

Holy shit.....
Even IMDb is better at this point.

>yes I only watch Marvel movies how did you know?

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No, sorry, I cannot.

Restaurant/food critic

IMDb is better than RT, Metacritic and Letterboxd

amerikike journos started seething when euros praised it and gave it the golden lion

Citizen Kane is based but a lot of garbage on that list

IMDb is more accurate in terms of audience sensibilities. At least the journos can't skew the results there simply because there are more normies there.


The only movies there that even remotely deserve their scores are Mission Impossible Fallout, Dr Caligari and Into the Spider Verse

Mad max is a pretty great movie but top 15 of all time? Blackklansman top 10? That was like the cringiest shit ever. Black panther wasnt a bad movie but number 1? What the hell is this? I remember years ago RT was OK for audience reviews but this is just pathetic.

are you implying Blank Pather isn't a good film?

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The list is shit, yes, but the whole concept of the site is pretty shitty in the first place. A movie with all "positive" reviews of 6/10 looks better than a more polarising movie with lots of 10s and some 1s.

Rotten Tomatoes basically is a tool to measure common denominators rather than finding movies that are actually good, and I cant understand how so many people actually pay any mind to it.

Don't worry, we took it back

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Pure Hawkino.

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At least these guys go to gourmet and high class restaurants. The Classical Music or Arthouse Cinema of food.
Which is popmpous of course, pretentious and elitist, but in their elitism lies their redemption in comparison to movie critics.

Movie critics say some big studio soulless woke shit flick with millions spent on marketing it, is the best movie ever made and if you should like it cause if you don't, you're a bigot.
That's not even elitism, that's pure fear and hatred.
They really are the lowest of the low.

If like unironically enjoy films like Black Panther, BlacKkKlansman, Get Out and Wonder Woman you're a retard beyond saving.

It's a generic superhero flick.

Shit bait, main.

How does the best film ever made having a reference to the "what are those" meme make you feel?

I didn't even know the meme before people pointed out Black Panther referenced it
Feels good not to be a normie

Worst movies listed are Lady Bird, The Irishman and Fury Road