What's the greatest score in TV history and why is it Prison Break?
What's the greatest score in TV history and why is it Prison Break?
I still can't believe that the final clip of that show was giving a mega child rapist red neck a cyborg hand, what the actual fuck were they thinking?
Also I only watched this entire show because a girl mentioned once.
I still can't believe how a show with such a good first season managed to become so shit
True Detective
Lord of the Rings
The actor playing michael would love prison
That's not LOST
It went the fast and furious route even before fast and furious
>government uses street criminals to take down an evil corporation(The Company)
>by doing this, Michael and his friends get immunity
>Shady government agency uses Michael to break out criminals out of high security prisons
Not exactly fun to listen to but the Hannibal soundtrack is as disturbing as the show
Lmao no way , i stopped watching after season 2
Twin Peaks exists, you know
Not really the score or even soundtrack I guess but the opening scene and music to Lost season 2 was incredible.
Game of Thrones is top 3.
>Lord of the rings
Wrong. youtu.be
Reminds me os AssCreed
Why is his hair so kino?
>Season 1
Pure kino
>Season 2
Alright I guess I could sit through some filler to get some bank manager kino scenes
>Season 3
Wow this has jumped the shark, but at least it's about a prison break again
>Season 4
Literally fast and furious, where they because expert dark ops
What about season 5?
After rewatching show I realized 1 season is not that good, 2 is kino, 3 is still shit, 4 is not that bad.
Now i rewatch again. Started 2 season. Show is so stupid and unrealistic but charcters are kino
Is there anything worse than a good story with a bad ending? Create something beautiful, so beaitful that people will truly love it, only for it to degrade more and more, while holding those who love it as hostages.
not him but I didn't watch past the first episode, when lincoln's car gets hacked and drives him off a cliff
though I stopped watching halfway through season 4 too
Please don't watch it user. I did and I regret it. It's so bad I don't have words to describe it. Just be happy with the Season 4 conclusion and move on.
S1 was stupid too, don’t fool yourself. Entertaining sure, but shit writing was prevalent from the start. Everything involving Kellerman and the conspiracy with the Vice President is what ultimately led to the shows downfall. All the future seasons focused on the stupid plotline involving the Company
this, Twin Peaks will always be GOAT
But I've enjoyed a lot of work Jeff Russo has done on fargo lately
get a haircut hippie
Less said the better
That redneck fuck was the creepiest fucker. Last I saw was them in that south american prison.
Brad Bellick, FBI
Special Agent Brad Bellick, FBI
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