Why doesn't Hollywood want to do anything with the Hellraiser IP?

why doesn't Hollywood want to do anything with the Hellraiser IP?

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because they suck?

suck what?

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That's the director. New adaptation of Hellbound Heart, apparently going to be extremely faithful.

But will it have him resurrect from the jizz he spilled after reliving being breastfed by his mum as a baby?

name of milk truck please

"Loretta Vampz"

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extreme violence, everlasting torture and pain for freak trannies touching kids

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it's literally okay when CIS women do it.

Normal women are reliable with kids because they have the maternal instinct.
Men are never reliable with kids.

>Men are never reliable with kids.
why do I feel like I'm the only one on Yas Forums without daddy issues?

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This is laughable. I implore everyone reading this to look up stats on issues associated with being a child of a single mother. You're more exposed to literally every risk imaginable - from dropping out of school to being molested by a relative. And it goes from 5% increase in likelihood to 80% or more depending on the issue.

please dont use american degenerate culture as a statistic, because what I said is true everywhere else in the world.

Because only the first movie is good.

Untrue. Again, just look it up lmao. Anywhere such statistics are available I guarantee you will find the exact same thing.

I allready marked this up as my victory in my argument notebook.

A large part of of American degenerate culture is single parent families. There are a number of factors but it's a big one. You had generation that spent less time with their family and it's spiraled downwards ever since and it will never be addressed in any meaningful way because trying to tackle single parent families would be political suicide.

It's too "hardcore" for mainstream.
WAY too violent and sexual.
People would lose their fucking shit over the skinless humans let alone fucking said skinless humans. The death scenes are too graphic and brutal as well. Cenobites don't do bloodless/fast deaths.
They would not be able to sale it to mass audiences.

shit happens, single parents have been a thing since the dawn of time. Get some perspective you fucking outrage junkie with an endless victim complex.

Single parent households are correlated with pretty much every social dysfunction...crime, child abuse, education levels, prison stats, teen suicide....

Sounds like you are a roastie

Didn't someone replace pinhead

same energy

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Yeah, different actor for the last 2 movies

Damn those titties..

No as in the story of Hellraiser
iirc someone took over Pinhead's role in Hell which allowed him to revert back to his old form before he completed the puzzle box

I concur that you have won.

Single mothers risk level

Yeah moral of the story: a slanneshi cultist is a better parent than a single regular female. Because statistics. And we all know the trannies statistics dont we?

Hellrasier 10 literally came out last year, it's a pretty good movie as far as Hellrasier sequels go

Yes, the difference is that OP's picture is only *dressed* like a mutilated predatory sensation-craving demonic horror.