What were some of your favorite moments from the Star Wars prequels? Here are some of mine:
Prequel Appreciation Thread
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I can't handle anymore rlm fanatics
My favorite part of each of them was screaming in my car afterwards.
Really liked the music.
I liked the venators and other ships broadsiding eachother.
Coruscant speeder chase. Kino of the highest order.
slit your throats zoomers
I cant believe people prefer pirates of the caribbean. keara knightley was hotter than natalie portman but that's it.
I didn’t like it at first because of some of the annoyingly loud sounds but after repeated viewings god it’s so good.
all of them, George Lucas is a modern Shakespeare
Pod racing
21 years ago and you do not find action scenes of that quality in modern cinema
all of the action scenes were awesome, except for the lightsaber fights which were goofy and had none of the psychic tension of the OT ones
This. The prequels had a really great score, I would argue superior to the OT score.
nothing in the prequels matches the force theme.
Is it weird I used to think the claw marks on Padme were really hot
honestly I'm thinking watching them for the first time just for prime Hersh but I didn't even like the original films
unironically on the greatest epics put to film
Get ready for one of the best trilogies made
She is really only hot in Attack of the Clones but by god is she hot in Attack of the Clones.
This is just like her butthole picture. pottery
The prequels wouldn't have made sense without a top tier woman like Porthole. But thankfully based George knew that Anakin's descend into hell (Persephone and Hades, btw) would only work with a 10/10.
>No Anakin I don't want to have rough hardcore kinky sex this is just my casual evening lounging dress for lounging with friends you don't have choke me daddy sex with because you're just friends this isn't fetish dominatrix garb and no I do not want you to take a shit on my tits and piss in my face after filling me with loads of cum in every hole we're just friends hanging out with friends no sex.
Prequels are younger millenial shit. Most Zoomers were not even born when they came out, and those that were were babies.
>Why have you come here?
Why did she look so weird in this scene?