Is this the end of the Joe Rogan Experience being number 1?

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He also said on one of those two episodes “fukkit bro I’m gonna get tested every day lol”

Meanwhile he pretends to care about the poor working class people who got laid off from restaurants/bars/comedy clubs? Please

has he ever had his IQ tested?

Why would someone be angry about this? I'm not an American so idk what's going on with burger politics atm

What is there to be angry about here?

Because rich bad

Alex Jones being interview on London Real later

Joe hasn't got the balls to get him back on, fucking sellout

i assume you guys aren't american or something but it's because the average person can't get a coronavirus test without paying a few hundred bucks (as high as like 7-800) which for the average person is a really big hit

Fuck knows. If I could get tested I would too. Bunch of faggots in this world get triggered over anything.

Nothing. One week Joe is a socialist supporting Bernie and the next he's an Alt Right sympathizer that's voting for Trump. People just want to take Joe down

>yasss I believe in capitalism
>no I will not vote for Bernie

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>but it's because the average person can't get a coronavirus test without paying a few hundred bucks
lol wut? I got tested for free before going into a supermarket just the other day. What the fuck are you guys even doing over there?

But Joe doesn't set those prices? Shouldn't you be pissed at the government?

Prices are high because there aren't enough tests. And Rogan is using a bunch of them.

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this guy pays 1600 and socialists are acting like hes jeff bezos

I really, really hate Rogan. I hate myself too for ever liking his podcast too though.

>tfw have a higher IQ than Joe Rogan

I was tested in fifth grade and now have no motivation for shit, and probably got fucking dumber but still.

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>people mad that rogan is rich
The absolutestate

The US does about 100k tests a day. It sounds like a lot, but it'll take 10 years to test everybody. And Joe took 2.

Does the government set those prices in burgerland? I thought you were a market economy not a socialist one.

Jesus. Get over yourself. If he has the money what concern is that of yours? Fucking faggot.

yeah, i 100% agree with you, it's not his fault and if he can afford to get tested and is doing it to be responsible since he's going outside and stuff frequently it really isn't a bad thing

So? He also took 1000 times more of everything else than an average citizen you were okay with that so far

The main reason people are pissed is cause there is a shortage of tests for medical workers and many reported cases where they have been unable to get tested despite being in super high risk environments.

>Joe took 2 tests

There's a 1-in-10 chance Joe is actually positive and he doesn't actually know it.

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He paid for them.

that can't be real

me too, but I think if I were tested again it would be much lower. my brain is completely fucked now

I personaly have no issue with it but i garantee they will also seethe about reddit rogan having all his comedians friends on and keep telling them that he'll get them all tested.

But when he had Donnel Rawlings on he didn't and Joe kept changing topics from the testing. Donnel is the only black guy amongst all these people, it's gonna be a mess.

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But did he go into Sauna afterwards??

Same. Years of not applying myself and just browsing this place and shit, probably made it go down like 50 points.

Oh boy. Here we go with the Joe's a racist shit again

I'm absolutely mad that Joe Rogan is rich. He's a midwit autist who's specialty is fighting in a cage, weed, and talking about chimpanzee attacks. He's a D tier standup.

Joe should tell people to go back to work.

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>Joe gives carreers and takes care of health of his harem of fucking hacks.
>Finaly has a funny guy and doesn't take care of him

What a pleb.

joes just a faggot

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>he's peak berniebro

>what twitter is crying about

>He's a midwi
awfully generous of you

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Oh yeah Joe's pretty fucking queer. Whenever he's complementing a guy on something he always brings up that they're handsome

Mike Tyson has a better podcast anyway.

I don't like anybody kissing in public and I'm not even an incel like most of this board


Mike's podcast is great. He's always asking question unrelated to the topic, talking over his guests when they try to answer and the other dude there seems like his handler. Mike's either got brain damage, baked all the time or both

you're actually retarded. do you smoke a lot of weed?

What's wrong with it? it's not like he's taking a room at a hospital to podcast there. He has a rent-a-nurse at his office and he pays out of pocket.

Mike's co-host is a vanilla sasquatch retard, though. Not easy to see he was pushed forward and propped up in life due to his size/playing football.

He flaunts his wealth all the time.. how is anyone of this news?


What’s the point if you smoke weed daily for decades

Manufactured "anger". But yea, for sure support this blatant horseshit by viewing the article.