I'm an obese fat faggot who sucks at everything he does

i'm an obese fat faggot who sucks at everything he does.

recommend me a movie.

Attached: ugh.jpg (234x250, 13.35K)

i recommend you check these consecutive digits instead

you mean these?

You both suck at this

Let me show you how it's done, kiddos.

Snake diet


Step aside anons





>I'm obese AND fat
forget a movie, start reading a dictionary.

pathetic, what's your favourite movie?

And i shall draw a dub card and place it in my hand

Taxi Driver

My favorite movie is dubs by checkt dubskinsy

dubs and everyone gets a gf

Drink more water. Check out Casablanca

Fight Club

Roll dubs and your mother wont die from covid today

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Attached: yoog.jpg (500x500, 46.13K)

i'll save you mom and all moms

Looks like ur mom dies today :\

>obese fat

you're obviously retarded


no mom no

Just blame the Jews bro. You'll fee better instantly

Don't worry user, just do what I do, laugh at people who are worse than (You)

you should realise that some of the best things you can do for yourself in life are free
1. Stop eating so much
2. Sleep more wherever possible
3. Nofap
4. Exercise
5. Shower in cold water
6. Clean your living space
7. Get dubs

My mums gonna live tonight

Maybe you should take your own advice there dubslet. Niw check em.

>showers are free

He asked for movie recommendations, dumb incel

>what are rivers

>SHOWERING in a river
Do you know what a shower is?

I am a 25 year old kissless handholdless virgin.