We're all in agreement that this was the best film in the franchise, right?

We're all in agreement that this was the best film in the franchise, right?

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It's not the worst anymore, or even in the bottom 3, but you should still kill yourself

>but you should still kill yourself
unbased and rudepilled


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only good thing is the love score

No, fuck off, drink poison, jump off a building, do a flip, land safely, go to the hospital, get an antidote, live happily ever after.

why would you post that image

I like Clones. Empire is really the only one I can see that is clearly superior. I don't like sand either. Do we forget Christopher Lee is in Ep. 2?

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the prequels are so smart and well crafted, aren't they user? I especially love the Noir style diner scene and how well constructed the mystery plot is.

>still seething hours later
oh no no no, RLMbros help this user out!

>mystery plot
Yes, I love western thriller mysteries!

>literally makes this thread every few hours

Who are you quoting?

I'm scratching my head thinking how Tyranus is connected to Dooku though, that really pulled the wool over my eyes.

just go back

imagine unironically legitimately caring about starshit lmao

don't you know it's just too smart for most people?

Well everyone knows that Jango is the clones and the clones show up at Geonosis and Dooku is also on Geonosis so that connects Dooku to the clones and then since the clones are connected to Dooku and Jango and since Jango was hired by Tyranus then therefore since Jango was connected to Dooku and Tyranus then therefore Dooku is also a Sith Lord (because he told this to Kenobi on Geonosis) then he is also connected to Kenobi and Kenobi went to Kamino and therefore is connected to Jango and since

It could have been the best of the prequels if they had cast an actor as Anakin instead of a retard, if the screenplay wasn't written by an out of control mongoloid, if they had chosen not to shoot 90% of the movie in a green room.

>but you should still kill yourself
damn user chill out

I know you're doing a bit but yes, you're the one from that other prequelfag thread who was having a hard time with it.


>that Jango fag still seething
I've never seen cope like yours in a long while.

Why is some faggot user trying for hours and over multiple threads to "argue" that the prequels were bad? I was in the last thread and apparently there were ones before that. Jesus Christ, dude, get over it.

Can we get a quick rundown?

>only one person in the world thinks these universally hated films, are bad films

Some faggot redditors from r/prequelmemes are trying to convince people that Yas Forums has always hated the prequels.

a few hours ago, there was a thread where some faggot had a meltdown and thought he was arguing with some literal who from a few weeks ago, because someone made a generic argument that you could connect Tyrannus to Dooku and he had a spergfit thinking he was being followed by basically a spook and then he was getting mocked, so he doubled down and spent hours in a different thread, arguing about Jango Fett and that everyone was the same poster.

>he doesn't know

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What the fuck are you on about, you deranged lunatic?

>that Yas Forums has always hated the prequels
Yes, newfriend.

Okay I just wanted to check and see if you were still trying to pass your schizo fantasies off as actual events that happened. Take your meds buddy.

>give me a rundown
lol what the fuck is the matter with you? The only people who make these threads are the same two or three prequelfaggots, it's not hard to have a tab open.


Want me to literally post the thread where (not you) had a complete meltdown about spooks?

Are you slow? You told that fake story in the last thread too because you are a schizo. I was there two threads ago when it actually happened and it was nothing like what you described.

No,we don't know,please inform us.

You mean the thread where some user said he recognized another user's argument from a past thread and you started sperging out about nonexistent spooks? You made like two or three posts about your schizo fantasy and got ignored.