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>bear wolf

It's actually "bee wolf", which probably means bear.

It’s actually “Be a Wolf “ I’m not even joking


Me when I hear my parents having sex

where'd you find this picture of me

Was he an incel?

I am the biter, the trasher, the tearing in the night, I, AM, BEAR BEAR BEAR WOLF BEAR BEE MAN BEAR BEE!

Strange scene

i like how you can still tell its crispin glover

Why was this movie so bad ?

pretty sure we all watched it for the angelina jolie cgi nudity

it wasn't. it's pure kino. watch it in 3D and you'll obtain an erection that lasts longer than 4 hours

>Thought you had shopped Trumps face onto it and laffed but it just look like that

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I first saw it when I was in fifth grade and I like it. It's a very simple film, ginmick is okay but I'm glad it didn't catch on.

Just your average Anglo


the what???

> I am Ripper... Tearer... Slasher... Gouger. I am the Teeth in the Darkness, the Talons in the Night. Mine is Strength... and Lust... and Power! I AM BEOWULF!

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>In a way you can't kill me, my friend, 'cause I died many, many years ago when I was young. Give him a gold piece and send him home. He has a story to tell.

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Good OP, I laughed.

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We went on a field trip in high school because it was out exactly when we got to it in language class

The nudity but not nudity gave our teacher an anxiety attack

But something is just really off about the movie aesthetically.

Uncanny valley shined through everyone else except Hopkins and Angelina Jolie, because those two didnt have to smile or frown all too much. You can create photorealistic 3d models and faces with Photogrammetry but the illusion breaks when those same faces attempt to do more extreme facial expressions.


I feel like this would be fixed if you would just do a scan of facial expressions and interpolate what's inbetween

I think it came out fairly early in the game for that.

mask of the father?

gold jolie titty

CGI animated films can save tv and film from pandemic?

What you looking at, Smoothskin?


It's pretty much uncanny valley the movie. The not nudity scene was the most memorable part for me, we were three 11 year olds so we laughed our asses off even at the thought of "wiener in movie"

It's not if you have good taste