Dave Filoni's weird obsession with Ahsoka is ruining the new season. Am I the only person who doesn't love her as a character? She's fine I guess but the anthology nature of Clone Wars was what made it so good. Now that it's only focusing on her, and how much everyone in-universe loves her, and her amazing talent and skill it's become really cringe.
Clone Wars General Discussion
I liked her before, but I agree with you. Bringing her back in Rebels ruined her and this dogshit fanfic "season" of Clone Wars sucks ass. She has long overstayed her welcome and her leaving the Jedi Order back in the original run of the show was literally the perfect ending for the character, we should never have seen her again.
i want to cum on her orange butt cheeks
Could not agree more. I knew they'd gone too far when Dave Filoni literally invented time travel and broke the Star Wars universe to save her in Rebels. Another ending to her character that would have been perfect and fitting. Now he's saying that she is alive during the events of TROS and isn't dead like all the other Jedi that speak to Rey. It's time to give it a rest, she's a good character but enough is enough.
I like how these last 4 episodes take lace moments before episode 3
Even showed the jedi who'll get 66'd on their respected planets from the movie
Hope we'll get a order 66 finale episode with Ahsoka wondering why the 501st is trying to kill her
Also this current episode was possibly the last time Anakin saw her
If we don't get an order 66 episode then I hope we get Grevious capturing Sheev episode like the clone wars cartoon
word, do you think all those clones were willing to paint their helmets orange out of respect for the X rated services she provided them during the boring times or what she did on the battlefield?
Need a containment board for shows aimed exclusively toward children
Sadly, there are only 3 episodes left and they are all just going to be about Ahsoka fighting Darth Maul as a retcon to make him her nemesis going forward.
Its not Filoni, Disney is calling the shots and he has very little creative freedom. Notice how in old clone wars Asoka didnt hesitate to decapitate deathwatch now she is carefully only cutting their blasters and pushing them around.
Nu wars is pozzed.
You have a problem with a female character being the most amazing person in the universe, incel?
How are they going to retcon his death in Rebels?
Why would they retcon something that takes place after everything else?
Yes. Most people fucking love Ahsoka. Go on reddit/youtube/twitter etc and you'll see the Ahsoka love.
Should I start from the beginning or can I just start watching latest season?
Season 7 is pure shit. Not a surprise. Clone Wars was shit before Disney took over.
do i need to follow the episodes with Assoka and the mecanic girl alien or i can skip them ?
The other episodes are regular clone wars grunt stories or muh bad bunch ?
I went in hating her. Then I warmed up to her to at least tolerate her role in the show. But when they made everyone else a dumb jackass to justify her leaving the jedi order I started getting tired of her, and only got more sick of her in rebels.
Same people who lost their mind over "Rey being too powerful" will coom to this.
Damn, I guess I can’t even express my opinion.
Rey didn't earn anything.
how does this even compare to anything overpowered that rey did?
How is Rey overpowered again? Got yeeted into a tree in the first one, mindraped by Snoke in the second one and got her ass whooped by Kylo in the last one.
I like how you disregard what overpowered means and just post things she didn't succeed in. But if you want to play this autism game and be retarded about it, I'll help you out.
The webm shows her hanging onto a falling ship, using her saber as a can opener, and then gracefully falling. There is nothing really extreme about that
Just Rey lifting a shitload of rocks without training or effort kills your stupid argument.
I mean, Rey is on a whole different level. I thought Ahsoka was a Mary Sue, and I do still think she has many Mary Sue qualities. But Rey exemplified what a Mary Sue really truly is. As stupid as this is, Ashoka has at least been built up with clear training.
>Just Rey lifting a shitload of rocks without training or effort kills your stupid argument.
Is there some in-universe rule how high your Force Power level must be to lift a set number of rocks? That's some video game logic right there, buddy.
>Is there some in-universe rule how high your Force Power level must be to lift a set number of rocks?
there is. It's in both the prequels and the original trilogy where it shows that despite "power level" it still takes a lot of effort to do.
Unironically agree. She was fine before Rebels but after that, she showed up as the wise untouchable character that came in to save the day. She came out like a preachy cunt in this episode. Honestly can't believe that she put a system that she never cared for above Corasant. Kind out of character for her as she knew from experience that you can't save everyone and that you have the prioritize.
Either way, they already rewrote and ruined the fates of characters like Rex, Ahsoka, and Maul in Rebels so what's the point? Maul becomes a desperate old dude trying to recruit children then dies, Rex fought alongside Luke Skywalker on Endor and we know nothing about his fate, and Ahsoka lives past RotJ and we also don't know what happens after that.
Well we've seen jedi master Yoda, known for his mastery of the force, struggle to lift much less.
I never really cared before but it does seem fairly apparent in this latest season. The scene where they descend in the air to Mandalore was pretty good though.
4 bad episodes does not a bad season make. You wanted the story finished but you didn't want to watch the outlines they already put out? That was your price to pay. One episode into the final arc and the clone wars are back to form.
Those feats are pretty standard for jedi in the show.
Because they are going to meet again in the mado. Deal with it.