ITT: Post the best character on their respected TV show

ITT: Post the best character on their respected TV show

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ive been heavily drinking and making more typos lately, this is one of them. My brain thinks one word and I type it another way. I might have some brain damage now. Unsure really. My health has been steadily declining since this Corona shit, and while it's not related to Corona this whole thing makes it a bitch to start getting any health issues looked at that isn't CORONAAA

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The 'nam jokes were the funniest. Didn't care much they made him some doddering alcoholic, but them's the breaks.

yeah he's my favorite character from that show that explains why communism is cancer
what a prime example of stupidity

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why won't blacks vote for him

Thats not Butters

you sound underageb&

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James quall

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Stay there, it exist for a reason.

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he truly was kino too bad we can't have any simpsons threads anymore because of unfunny zoomer memes

thats not kenny

I'm underage yet every commie I've met has never even read a book
neck yourself

That's not Tuco

this is an 18+ website
ive reported you to the proper authorities

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I always liked how they hinted at Kelso and Cox being better friends than they ever let on outwardly. As you watch through the series you start to notice how many times characters will walk into the cafeteria and Cox and Kelso are already there just eating lunch together. The details like these mixed well with those episodes where they tried to ground the struggles Kelso faces when running a hospital, or the episodes where Cox and Kelso butt heads but it ends up getting resolved with neither being directly in the wrong.

Kelso's a cool guy, both in nice mode and evil mode.

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Commies aren't permitted to read, that's a capalism thing

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That's basic management.

Take military.
>first sergeant all big and bad
>platoon sgt all big and bad
>even fucking team leader or squad leader all big and bad

>hang out within their respected range groups in their off time

No one can understand what Cox is going through except Kelso, who had to be a lead doctor on floor.
Where else is Cox to go to except either laterally or above for support?

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Thats not Sneed

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