What kind of brainlet can't understand the plot to the prequels?

What kind of brainlet can't understand the plot to the prequels?

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don't confuse "I can't understand the plot" with "Holy shit these movies are dull & joyless".

No, idiots flat out say they don't understand the plot. There's no confusion.

The foundation is really good, but the execution is really, really botched.
If they had someone capable of writing a natural sounding dialogue, didn't go so hard on the CG from the Episode II onward(That for the most part aged terribly anyway), so the actors had to do literal pantomime with only the bare idea of what's supposed to be happening, and a competent director who could actually direct the actors(much maligned Hayden is decent to good'ish in most his other roles, go figure) it would land a lot more gracefully.

Can you give me some examples?

it's a good movie trilogy, only those who are addicted to capeshit dislike it

Plinkett reviews are three examples where they say that they do not understand the plot multiple times.

Plinkett's review are in bad faith and utilize invalid arguments. Any 5 year old should be able to understand these films.

>Any 5 year old should be able to understand these films
Yep and yet fools say they don't.


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>imagine pretending that people "just don't get the prequels bro" as a defense

RLM is based because I've never seen youtubers trigger you zoomers in such profoundly asspained ways like they do. It's honestly something I can put my watch to with how often you cry about every new video they release.

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am I "le shill" too?

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Most likely. I don't care your friends with fatties from the internets, I care how much you let them influence Yas Forums

Stop making excuses when people verbatim said they didn't get the plot and admitted to be retards by doing so

>everyone who calls me a retard is a shill
Here's a little secret, I'm not a shill. The prequels just suck. Learn to cope.


imagine being this autistic

saying that the plot doesn't make sense, isn't the same contextually as saying "I didn't get the plot".

>saying that the plot doesn't make sense, isn't the same contextually as saying "I didn't get the plot".

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The acting in the prequels is good.

fortunately, he doesn't have to imagine

Hayden does a good job of portraying an angsty teen. The issue is I think some people didn't get that he was supposed to be this sexually pent-up, sexually inexperienced young man.

They literally don't mean the same things, are you pretending to be stupid?

They mean the exact same thing you retard. If the plot doesn't make sense, you don't get the plot.

Seethe harder, everyone here and in the last thread is laughing at your constant spergouts

The plot of the OT was Luke discovering who he really was and defeating the evil Empire. The plot of the PT was Anakin becoming Vader. The plot of the ST is?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

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The plot of ST is Rey is a god and the best and deal with it.

Imagine being a literal schizophrenic who thinks you're being followed for weeks on end by the same user?


Imagine being a literal schizophrenic who makes up imaginary stories because he got BTFO so hard

Rey discovering who she really was and defeating the evil nuEmpire

Poor reading comprehension, huh? Those are literally not the same sentences, at all.

no clue what in the wide world of fuck you're talking about, I was in the thread that's about to die just now (in your other prequel redditfag thread to cry about RLM) where you had a meltdown about someone bringing up Jango Fett.

It's not that the plot isn't understood, it's that it makes no goddamn sense or has the thinnest veneer of plot-convenience explanations

You have been autistically posting over and over a story that you made up about someone "being followed by another poster" when nobody said anything of that sort in the thread. Take your fucking meds dude.

Two different sentences that mean the exact same thing.

>It's not that the plot isn't understood, it's that it makes no goddamn sense
If it makes no sense then it isn't understood. The plot only makes no sense to retards. To anyone with a functioning brain, the plot makes perfect sense.

I had a hunch the same retards from that thread, would be in another reddit thread like this one.

I'm probably right because the minute that thread died down, this one popped up.

Only because you're fucking retarded and can't read, sure.

If you understand the plot, then explain it

The plot makes sense to me so your argument is invalid. Sorry about your brain damage though, praying for you.

>To anyone with a functioning brain, the plot makes perfect sense
The plot doesn't make any sense.