>A Tencent pictures production
A Tencent pictures production
There's no stopping him, is there?
what a chad
>this summer...in a bao tsing hua ger dong shao shi lu bo near you...
Fucking based.
>ten cent
sounds cheap
Cringe. The equivalent of "le Cheeto man"
Why does Xi make incels seethe?
fuck their language
t. Chink
>Most feared and powerful leader in the world
>Largest military with unlimited manpower
>Country has existed for thousands of years and has survived literally every possible disaster
China is destined for global domination and the West doesn't want to admit it.
One could only wish to have the power and intelligence this man has.
Back to r*ddit you go, trannies.
>China is faking their numbers!
>They can't be doing better than us!
>China reopening cities and resuming businesses and letting people move freely
lmao western media outlets are so transparently propaganda
I do hope we see more of these in the future. Tencent is based.
China will collapse this year
I actually did like The King's Avatar. It was pretty insightful in regards to how fucked the Chinese e-sports scene is.
Posted from my Huawei.
>Tencent pictures
>Ten cent
>Ten centimeters
Why would you name your company after the maximum achievable erect dick length in China?
China doesn't give a shit about its own people.
If your people are dum insects, would you?
Imagine my shock when you are wrong again.
t. Xi
Good. People are shit. Countries should focus on larger goals.
>authoritarian dictatorship
>destroyed American manufacturing
>keeps trying to overtake world telecom infrastructure with Huawei 5g
>turns all aspects of its life into shallow patriotism, you literally aren't even allowed to believe in God unless it's at Xi's Patriotic Communist God Association
>lied about coronavirus
>dictates what kind of movies Hollywood can and can't make
China will never be top dog unless they tone down their corruption.
>builds two hospitals just to combat virus
>lockdown an entire city
>delivered food to their lockdowned citizens
>immediate government response
brainwashed western pleb
China updated their numbers today lmao
>he doesn't know about the webm threads
None of this is true.