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Are you fucking retarded? This comic is comparing apples to oranges. These situations aren’t analogous at all.


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Idris Elba is based though


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Meanwhile in reality

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fuck i havent seen these in years

>posting the shopped version

Fuck I gotta use that one


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>Disliking white-hating garbage is the same as hating white people


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Where'd Jinora get all that spirit power stuff to fight the dark avatar? What was up with that?

Aang was really spiritual and shit too. He talked to all the past avatars while alive. Why didn't he know about Wan and the Magic Carpet? Why wasn't that recorded literally anywhere in all the temples and shit to the avatar? Why didn't Raava say anything to him?

Hey. What about all those dangerous spirits korra released. Like Koh the facestealer. How come her unleashing them into the world never seems to come up?

Hey. Hey. Get back here.

Were did they get enough platinum to build a mech? You realize that platinum is a valuable metal right? Rarer than gold? They build hundreds of small mechs and one fucking colossal mech out of it. Its the equivalent to building your tanks out of diamonds. Where they get it? Why didn't they just buy republic city with that cash?

ahuck ahuck

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The difference between something being present and something being glorified is night and day. Ask Ed Boon if he thinks that violence as seen in Mortal Kombat is a good thing to strive for in real life. Then ask whatever fag made Life Is Strange if homosexuality as seen in Life Is Strange is a good thing to strive for in real life.


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Who's getting upset?

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*blows air out of nose*

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So how did all those people get airbending? Because it seems to be a hereditary skill. Does it just forcibly appear if there aren't enough benders of a type? Why? Originally they got all their bending from lion turtles according to korra, meaning it was never an innate ability or granted by some cosmic balance. So why did they just get it again? And why wait 160ish years for it to kick in instead of like...the generations before? The world lived without an earth bender for 100 years, why didn't it start popping up then?


Why would Amon be able to stop her from bending every element but air? And why would blocking those suddenly let her air bend effortlessly?

Hey, what about all those stories each society had about them learning bending from animals or the moon and shit? We know that's all fake and shit now because they just got handed powers by magic turtles. So are they mistaken? Did they just create these fake stories? Did they...somehow forget how to bend and then relearn it?


Why is she called the "Avatar"? With Aang he was supposed to be the incarnation of the desires of the planet itself, but Korra is just some lady who has a magic ghost in her. She's not the avatar of anything.


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Wrong. That NPC strawman is making the wrong argument. The problem with such faggotry in entertainment isn't that it's trying to make leftists. The problem is that it's aimed at leftists and nobody else. Only leftists would enjoy that garbage, and Hollywood, etc. have made the mistake that leftists are the overwhelming majority. When you aim every single one of your movies at a single group, you'll only ever attract that group, and there will be zero variety in the medium's selection.


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The violence in Mortal Kombat is designed to be glorified. They even created new types of attacks with x-rays to make the violence as cool and brutal as possible. Of course Ed Boon doesn't think that it's cool to do that stuff in real life but you are absolutely supposed to think that what is happening on screen is awesome.

lol checked his twitter and he has a ton of cuckold porn. Except a lot of the time white guys are involved. kinda gaaaaaay


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The kind of people who would be upset by two girls kissing in a videogame are the minority. If you aren't invested in the culture war you won't give a shit. And what's more pathetic? It's a culture war you guys already lost.

>It's a culture war you guys already lost.
Keep telling yourself that, buckaroo.

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YEAH! MAGA fellow kekistani and Gamergater!

I've literally never see someone so insecure

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Did you unironically invoke Gamergate? As though anyone of any political inclination even cares about that event.


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I didn't even mention the government. Guess rent free really isn't just a meme.

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L.O.L get dunked epic style libtard