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No, that's Oscar Isaac.

wow they're making ep 10 already?

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>metal bra for armor

Who designed this armor? A woman or tranny?

S O U L - L E S S

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isn't this supposed to be "star wars for adults"?
it looks like hunger games in space!

the old thufir completely mogs this new one

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Fellas I actually think the casting is pretty fucking great (except von sydow’s character lmao) tell me why I’m a retard so I’m not disappointed when this turns out to be utter shit

wow they are going to do another Battlestar Galactica movie.


star wars and now dune.

can someone get oscar another cohen brothers movie please?


Look at bane being thrown in an image that solely appeals to post 2015 newfags that think bane cancer makes them "old Yas Forums"
always funny

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It's not the casting that's the problem, it's that Villanueva only understood about half the context of Dune's narrative and he was only able to sell Hollywood on that half by promising them "StarWars for adults." You see that armor? Doesn't it look like what some pantsuit Hollywood executive would think of as StormTrooper armor, but "for adults?" The atriedes uniforms? Just like the empires, but "for adults." Expect the Bene Gesserit to become Jedi expy's but, you guessed it, "for adults."

what's with the space nazis in the top pick?

I just read this book recently and heard it was getting a film. Holy shit is this gonna flop. Lemme just list a couple of things
>totally weird and lolsorandumb justification for certain things
>Space Muslims are good guys, really! (totally will get those right wingers onside, guys!)
>Knife Fights are just autistic and less cool lightsaber fights
>The Emperor is just a Palpatine rip-off
>shitty message about MAD and dudeweedlmao
Hard pass. The film worked as a broken piece of film but another one by a hack? Nope.

Top looks like a TV show.

It's probably gonna be good.

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cosplay kino perhaps, but... no.

Yeah fuck you’re prolly right. The source material isn’t accessible enough to every dumb zoomer shit on the planet, so they’ll dumb it down to broaden the audience as much as possible

Poor Oscar. He really deserved better.

>space muslim
Isn't that the entire premise of the book? Hell the title of the ruler of the empire is Padishah and his name is Shaddam.


>Chooses to be is shit out of greed.
>Deserves anything
Like hes gives a fuck how bad his movies are with his millions.

Everyone on top looks like they were dragged in the middle of the night to be there.

Funny how the hype for this went from 100 to 0 as soon as the first images were released

pasta for dinner

>>Space Muslims are good guys, really!
>proceeds to inflics a galactic jihad burning and slaughtering their way across the stars
>even Paul says he cant stop their bloodlust
>good guys
they were a stepping stone for the Golden Path Leto II even cucks them hard out of their culture keeping them as glorified zoo animals and teaching them inccorectly about their culture in God Emperor

Neither as good as Frank Herbert's Dune

The most embarrassing part is using a USAF logo because they were so strapped for logo ideas.

one on the bottom looks so much better