Was he a good boss?

was he a good boss?

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He wasn’t varsity boss material

>sees a shirnk
>kills earners for petty reasons
>everyone in his crew is dead except for Paulie who will most likely be shot in the future

>is a pussy


that was the point

He didnt give a hoot

>gets into a war in an age when nobody is going to thr mattresses
>kills his cousins
>almost had a mutiny for protecting someone in the wrong
>has to pay $600k to get his wife back
>is degenerate gambler
>has a made captain killed by another family over some gay shit
>has several rats on his family
>underboss Paulie talks about his deals to another family's underboss and costs him money

I could go on and on, so answer is no

No is probably the correct answer. However you could argue that the opening monologue of the pilot set the stage for a realistic look at Cosa Nostra in its death throes. Tony owned up to this reality very blatantly in his first session with Melfi. So you could make the argument that with this in mind his entire subsequent motivation was to use his standing in this dying buisness to cash in on every principle the old guard ever held dear to selfishly feed his own appetites as the ship rapidly and inevitably sank beneath the tide. As any good crook would have done in such a situation. Tony had the makeup of a good boss. Did he have the guts? Debatable. But if you think he didn't, tell me, who on that fictional universe did? Tony was the king of that burning jungle hands down. So to me he was a good boss.

High IQ post.

He also had to deal with some singularly difficult and troublemaking people like Junior, Phil, Ralph, Johnny Sack, etc.

He was awful he had killed so many of his own guys by the end that there was barely anyone to fight for him in the mob war.

all of them deserved it except for ralph

What was the point of the shrink being raped?

character development

Acting boss
June was still alive

Fan service

Sopranos had 2 bosses.

Everybody knows Tony really run things since Jackie became the kemo sabe

To show that even when put in a position where going to Tony would arguably be the right thing to do (a rapist removed from the streets is a good thing) she refuses because she knows that getting involved with the wopper deluxe crew would be bad for her in the long run.

This draws a contrast between her and the other women of the show. While they may seem like victims at times at the end of the day they made a choice to become involved with these fucking greaseball swamp rats, while she refuses despite having even more temptation and arguably reason to do so.

In real business? No. As a mafia boss? Yes. There's no honor among thieves and his avarice and extreme anger allowed him to scare his underlings into making and keeping him rich.

He was respected but not liked. He rode his family name to some extent but despite not being very smart was still able to massage situations like Johnny sack and his uncle to have things go his way. He stuck to the code at least while most around him were all over the place that way.

New Jersey was nothing before & became nothing after. He had his time in the sun.

It's also why she eventually cut ties with him after realizing he was using therapy to become more sociopathic.


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No. I'm told he was the best ;_;

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ralph had it coming



He deserved to die but he didn't kill the horse. Tony himself said it looked like only a top level arsonist like the guy Sil uses could have burned down the barn. Ralph was in the middle of freaking the fuck out about his son. He didn't have the time nor energy to stage such an elaborate plan. If anyone burned down the barn it was Paulie. He was pissed at Tony and if Sil knows a top arsonist most likely Paulie does as well.

good post

didn't david chase say that he did it? when i watched it it never even occurred to me that that wasn't the point

>didn't david chase say that he did it?
Don't think so. From memory he instructed Pantoliano to play it in a manner that be viewed that he did it or didn't do it, depending on the viewer.

I just started watching this for the first time ever. on episode 2. Meadow is a CUTE.

Sil is the underboss

he's the consigliere