Cast it.
Attached: MV5BMDY5NTQ2MGMtZmEwNC00NTk0LTgxNjQtYzE1ZjljMDdjMjQxXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjcyNzc1NTg@._V1_.jpg (800x1008, 208.11K)
Cast it.
Viconia: Idris Elba
Beamdog is guilty of a number of crimes
what kind of a name is beamdog anyway
Quick rundown? Haven't actually played the EE to this day, but I own them. All I remember is that tranny shit on the fanfiction expansion they made.
Joe Rogan as Minsk
(using CGI for his height)
Here's your Imoen bro
I can see Weaving as Irenicus.
The only tranny shit I saw was one priestess and it was just a small snippet of text.