Oh, Michael. Michael, you are blind. It wasn't a miscarriage. It was an abortion. An abortion, Michael...

Oh, Michael. Michael, you are blind. It wasn't a miscarriage. It was an abortion. An abortion, Michael. Just like our marriage is an abortion. Something that's unholy and evil. I didn't want your son, Michael! I wouldn't bring another one of you sons into this world! It was an abortion, Michael! It was a son Michael! A son! And I had it killed because this must all end!

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>Just like our marriage is an abortion.




>Poor Fredo, he's got corona

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I wish I was her son.

no matter how you feel about Kay's actions, she isn't really wrong about their marriage
Michael never married her for love, he married her because in his mind, he needed a family like his father
the girl he loved blew up in that car
it's another point of comparison on how Michael was different from Vito, and why his family, both personal and professional, fell apart

>no matter how you feel about Kay's actions,

It's not just a "fuck you" to Michael, it's a practical decision. If it was a girl she might have kept it, because a boy would have been turned into a mafiaoso. Imagine having a baby you know will turn into a murderer?

>where are all the men?
>dead from vendetta

stupid wops

The films are kind of a rosy picture of the old gangers and highly critical of the 2nd generation of mafia. So Vito has the Italian-American New York community that he is the protector of. They come to him with their problems, and he solves them, and in exchange they become his patrons. Does Michael have any patrons? For him everything is all business.

You can also see it as small business that's personable and caring, vs. cold corporation.

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I’ve always hated gangs and the mob. I don’t know why. I have fantasies of being like super man but instead just went around and murdered everyone that belonged to one from coast to coast

Jar Jar's first role and he fucking nailed it.

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This, but change mob to niggers and jews.


Kay unironically did nothing wrong.
Why would you want to raise a child of someone who would murder his own brother?

Anthony didn't murder anyone.

Kay murdered a child. She is worse than a mobster.

this but change it to politicians and cops

Was Fredo dead at that point in the movie?

His brother was a liar, a donkey show watching pervert, a traitor, an idiot and a lousy journalist.

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They both killed family members so they were not so different after all.


>he unironically believes Fredo is the N word for Italians
What a fucking chode

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This shit was so funny. He's so insecure about being the worse brother he invoked the n-word as a comparison.

Should have been absolutely destroyed by the media but I guess they protect their own

Am I the only one who wanted to see him push her out the window?

Eh, I coomed when he shut the door on her and she could be heard crying.

the virgin Mike vs THE CHAD MEDEA

She chose that life, no one made her marry a wealthy crime lord, and she knew that was she was doing just that.

So she moans because her husband's business happen to be, on many levels, cancerous to society? So fucking what? It's like Michael said, his father was no different from any powerful man.

Kate just let herself get fucked in the head over commonly accepted social convention, if Michael were a corrupt politician, that would have been fine by her.

Obviously it's more complicated than that though, if Michael had been fucking her right, and I mean romancing her right, she not only wouldn't have cared, but wouldn't have had to see that uglier side of the business.