Better not Call Saul because any repsectable lawyer would have a secretary or e-mail set up

Why is the show called "Better Call Saul"? It should rather be Better Contact Saul, very rarely does it ever make sense to directly call lawyers on their personal phones since they're busy around the clock. In order to explain your case you would rather just write an e-mail or call a secretary. Calling the lawyer personally is really only something reserved for prestigious clients whose case has already been taken on by the lawyer and who were promised a certain level of personal care.

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Other urls found in this thread:

niggers tongue my anus

mike looks really young here

Do you even watch the show?! He literally gives out phones for people to call him on you fucking idiot.

I'm a lawyer and this is retarded. Yes we have secretaries but I often give my direct line if I'm expecting someone to contact me directly. Though my secretary would probably prefer everything go through her since she's more organized than I am.

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I will add that if your lawyer refuses to talk to you directly it's probably because you are annoying.


I guess you've never bought a house either. Hope thinks look up for you someday.

>posts on a site that has regular softcore cp threads
>doesn't commit crimes

Terry? Is that you?

>not using a notary
lmao. stay cucked

hey liam

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this is why I come to Yas Forums

The lawyer works for their client, why the fuck should you not be able to call them directly? You pay a fuckload to hire them, at the very least you should be able to email them your concerns directly. Your lawyer is YOUR lawyer, you probably want to be able to call them

Who are you guys maining in the new より良い電話サウル game?

He hit geriatric puberty like 5 years ago

>not picking Tuco

That's old Walt, he hadn't transformed into Mike yet.

>who were promised a certain level of personal care.
he literally promised everyone that

he does the phone business
he sells phones

Kim's theme mogs everyone else's

Everyone posting themes, I just wish the main theme from the show was a full song.

>not maining Howard

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You get to see Mike’s daughter in laws bewbs in Rome. Her body was rocking in 2005!

kino tune

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better schedule an appointment with saul

better call saul is the name of his strip mall. The end game is to have him and Kim operating it in season 6 before the Walter White fallout.

The show starts in 2002. Was email already prevalent then?

No, people literally communicated through cave paintings user. It was a different time.
