Just watched this for the first time since seeing it in theaters. Wasn't as good as I remembered. Kinda shit even, honestly.
Just watched this for the first time since seeing it in theaters. Wasn't as good as I remembered. Kinda shit even...
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thats a shame, i enjoy it, but everyone is entitled to their opinion.
>Wasn't as good as I remembered. Kinda shit even, honestly.
I walked out in the theatre half way though
fuckin thing sucked then and still sucks now
>everyone is entitled to their opinion
true, but not all opinions are correct
yours for example sucks shit
Every Villynerf movie depreciates massively on rewatch
I've seen BR2049 twice and I enjoyed it both times but you really notice the mistakes that would improve almost every scene, particularly in the dialogue
its funny to me that people get this asshurt over movies
it's basically a dumb 2 hour sci-fi cop movie pointlessly extended to 2:40 so that we are tricked into thinking its art.
I, Robot was unironically a better movie.
I watched it first time on either lsd or shrooms, don't really remember, but it seemed very impactful to me at the watch. I don't want to see it again tho, I feel like that'll only ruin the experience, most of it anyway
>its funny to me that people get this asshurt over movies
its funny how people project their shallow emotional reactions onto others who are capable of simply and calmly evaluating art on its merit
agreed. the original had a lot of deep, thoughtful concepts. this is yet another memberberries exploitation cash grab devoid of any of the interesting ideas the original contained in multitudes
>I, Robot
What the hell are you smoking. That movie should have gone straight to dvd.
best movie of the decade
hands down
Didn't like this movie as much as Yas Forums hyped it up
The main reason I liked the first Blade Runner was Roy Batty and besides K, I didn't really like the characters in this one
hated this film. I found the cinematography boring and lifeless but plebs love contrasting colours. Same with Gosling, he's just a terrible fucking actor but because he plays autists and literal fucking robots he gets a free pass. wasn't convincing for me at all.
doesn't matter though because this film is immune from criticism here
>no he's meant to be a wooden actor!
>it's supposed to be boring, dragged out plot! it's a slow burn!
>the goose is /ourguy!!!!/
>you're being a contrarian deliberately! you secretly love it!
>tfw no gf bros!
>the themes just went over your head brainlet! filtered!
People that have to constantly tell everybody they aren’t liars are always the biggest and worst liars. It never fails.
It insists upon itself.
>tfw no gf bros!
>plebs love contrasting colours
love me some goose, but those are very good points and I totally agree that's 99% of why tvfags love it
epic meme my fellow 4channeler! he's just like me!
Too dishonest and inauthentic for me.
He's such a poser
You could remove every blade runner reference and the story would be the same.
What a pleb
I really liked it, I just wish they would release the 4hour version because I feel more story would benefit it.
I liked it.
I could rewatch it indefinitely.
4 hour cut when
it was good but leto and ford just suck ass and bring the whole experience down.
I don't think they are
Is this a Tron Legacy webm?
PSA: Blade Runner 2049 is completely free to watch on IMDB
i really liked it and i don't understand why this movie is so divisive