Starting now
Streaming of Phantom of the Opera
Damn, these niggas got 10k in donations since it's started.
How long until they do the thing?
This music is top notch.
Thank you for this
This is pretty good.
So comfy, come join us musical anons.
Damn I missed the Pink Floyd part. Oh well, back to Echoes.
Is there names for the different styles of musicals? For instance, a musical like Phantom where literally everything is sung, versus a play that just has musical numbers in it? Both are musicals but I gotta wonder if they have names to differentiate the two.
BTW, this stream will only be available for free for 48 hours.
Last week they did Jesus Christ Superstar. Probably doing something else next week
You can "rewind", cause it's on youtube.
You have 47 hours, so that's no problem
After he gave you his music! How could you...
Fucking nice, sad I missed that. I'll keep tuning in for more musical kino.
>they just reprised it
he really just does simpler versions of other people's ideas.
torrented dis shit long time ago though. the performance at the royal albert hall right? sierra boggess and ramin karimloo?
Ok well Masquerade is just about one of the best things you'll ever see in your entire life got dang.
>you will never a secret engagement
Here's the link.
That's all i know
This reminds me of the South Park episode where they talk about how women love musicals because they are put in an infantile state by the bright costumes and dancing and how they will give out free blowjobs.
Always wondered, what are some albums that have great renditions of this musical?
Watch this absolute masterpiece of theatre
and then watch the absolute godawful piece of shit movie that they made of it. And realise that musicals should stay on the stage.
youtube has a recording of the real stage version thats pretty good I watch that from time to time. i dont really like the set of the 25th anniversary they dress it down on purpose because limitations of the venue for one thing but also alw is a massive jew and wants to force you into an actual theater to see the real thing. 25th anniversary is worth watching because ramin karimloo but thats about it
the secret to enjoying opera is the same: get DVDs of filmed stage performances, never attempts to make a movie with singing.
red death phantom is so got dang kino it hurts my brain
I recently watched the live recording of the opera Akhnaton in the cinema. It was the best of both worlds. More cinema's should show live recording of foreign productions that most people can't go to see.
Is the phantom an incel bros?
>be ugly incel
>oneitis won't touch you
>write opera in which you get to romance her
>force her to do opera
Watch the 70’s filmed version of Jesus Christ Superstar, it’s absolute kino
Raoul is the king if gaslighting.
Phantom is a sung through operetta
Oh yeah, I love that one. I've never seen a stage recording though.
>Basement dweller.
>Obsessed with his hobbies.
>Writes beautiful opera for his rivals for free.
>Cucked by chad.
Time for best song.
>played by hollywood leading male actor
>takes mask off
>little bit of scarring up around the eye but nothing too serious
this is beautiful
BRAVA Sierra
>be buquet
a:10 v:10 thanks yify! seriously though it looks like it was shot on an old web cam but the sound is fine
>the angel of Death
More like the angel of edge