Are intros the thing of the past? Will we be seeing more and more 2 second title screens going forward?
Are intros the thing of the past? Will we be seeing more and more 2 second title screens going forward?
The skip intro button is more annoying than any intro. Half the time it pops up for a two-second intro, dumb as shit.
I don’t even think it should be a requirement to show credits anymore since anyone who cares can just google that shit.
They’re really only there for the vanity of the director and producers
better call saul does it best. short, always slightly different, but consistent mood
I don't have a problem with longer intros, just wondering if the incentive for one is gone.
best intro?
>using netflix
jesus christ what happened to this board. do you talk on facebook chat mid stream too?
Watching an anime on Netflix is depressing. After about 2 straight episodes it automatically counts down 3 seconds before it skips the openings and endings. I have to run to the remote to stop it from skipping.
Literally killing art
literally this. what the fuck happened to this board
>implying Yas Forums was ever any good
Brainlet. A great into sets the mood and gets you hyped for the kino to follow.
This is the GOAT intro for me, those first few chords always gives me goosebumps
not after the 10th time you watch it in a row when binging a series (like everyone does now)
anyone who skips the Narcos intro deserves to be kidnapped and tortured by sicarios
Did they ever told us who was the Dusty Mason?
I have never skipped this one, and I don't think I ever will.
Some shows don't even have intros like The Witcher.
GOAT intros:
Dexter / X-Files/ Mission:Impossible/ GoT/ House of Cards
always liked this one
Good taste.
The Expanse is the only Yas Forums intro I've ever cared to watch through every episode.
i liked the trueblood intro
>sets the mood
>get hyped
You sound like one of those people that watched Game of Thrones in Burlington Bar
I dont know why they bother to ask anyone if they want to skip the Evangelion opening, anyone who does is out of their mind
Yeah that one was really good
I hate that I have to race to my remote to not skip credits. I like just chilling while the song plays during the credits before moving on to the next piece of trash netflix wants me to consume.
I think this might be one of the few intros i was always watching and was putting me into the mood for the series.
You sound like a bitter incel.
I hate what binge culture is doing to television.
An actual good OP. I hadn't thought of this, but I think you're right.
>watching the shitty anime episode openings
Yeah I really miss waiting a week for Lost to not explain something
Not even close.
Skipping intros is for certified plebs and netflix is for faggots. Also women are property.
just thought it was sort of similar to true detective intro. was bored enough to look if it was from the same company but no. the ones who made true blood intro also made dexter and sixth feet under ones apparently though
The author wrote a line in one of the later books where everyone in the bar dances when that particular song comes on the Jukebox