Will he save DC?

Will he save DC?

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will the man who killed Star Trek and Star Wars save something? I'm gonna say "no"

Lol no.

Why is he employed? And before you say jew keep in mind theres an endless selection of jew directors/producers studios could pick

>Already destroyed Star Trek
>Already destroyed Star Wars
>Now he's on his way of destroying DC

What the fuck is his problem?

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No, has he even done something good in the past 10 years?

JJ is a hack but his mystery box shit works much better on TV with multiple writers and directors telling the story.

They need to follow mcu's plan or something REALLY close to it, otherwise DC cinematically is dead

His entire reputation is based on the first few seasons of Lost.

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DC and Marvel are both doing a pretty good job of destroying themselves honestly

The hero we need

Cloverfield was ok
Abrams is a fucking hack though

I thought they were making a JLD animated movie

He hates goy fictions.

He killed star trek but rian is the only culprit in the nu-wars fiasco

>next JJ will direct Indiana Jones

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He works for really fucking cheap.

J.J. Abrams, the franchise killer. I totally see him saving DC.

If he cast someone like her to play Zatanna, yes

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Justice league dark is edgy just for the sake of being edgy. That sort of writing works well for comics(Ennis, the guy that wrote irredeemable etc) but it just doesnt translate well to live action.

People who are still giving the talentless turd money after what happened with Starwars deserve everything they get. Of course they won’t get what they deserve though, Disney will get bailed out by the US gov in a few months and become a zombie propaganda arm of the state.

I've never seen a bigger fraud in modern cinema

She will probably look like this though

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The nose knows.

more astonishing, studios continue to thrust him!

The power of the nose, I guess.

JJ Abrams to direct three Dune sequels
JJ Abrams to write and direct The Silmarillion TV series
JJ Abrams to produce next Bond movie
JJ Abrams to adapt Fist of the North Star for Netflix
JJ Abrams to assist in AOC's presidential bid
JJ Abrams to run for office
JJ Abrams to helm first contact with the ETs
JJ Abrams to preside over the Second Coming
JJ Abrams to achieve transcendent apotheosis
JJ Abrams to adapt Super Mario

I bet it will start of really well sith several interesting mysteries. It will end like trash because they never had any clues how to give good resolutions to any of those mysteries.

Mario already got ruined, but I can totally see him trashing Zelda

JJ Abrams to become moderator on 4channel's slash-TV board

He didn't direct Cloverfield.

>crawling back to tv

Good, keep this kike and his retarded ideas away from movies and quarantined behind a paywall.

He can't kill something that's already dead.

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No, many of the problems were already there in TFA

>plot is ANH all over again
>Rey still overpowered Mary Sue
>bad guys mostly incompetent nazi caricatures
>Wasted Han's return then killed him off
>can't kill Leia, though, she's too important
>John Boyega still involved

JJ's actually lucky Johnson shit the bed so hard, it distracted from how badly he fucked up himself and gave him a scapegoat

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