EY Yas Forums
EY Yas Forums
Every contestant on this show is a massive egotistical cunt i honestly don't blame Ramsey for abusing them
He also gives the best contestants deals after they're kicked off if he wants, too, the "winner" is usually not the best
>Bring me a glass of ice water
>Yes, right away, Mr. Ramsay
>These ice cubes, are they fresh?
>They're frozen, sir
>Fucking hell.
>these ice cubes, are they tap water?
>yes chef
>you mean you charge 20 dollars for a meal and you cant be bothered to get glacial water for ice? Fuck me
>fucks off to hide rotting shrimp in the freezer
What is this thread Yas Forums? LOOK AT IT, ITS CRAP!
Why does everyone treat him like he's a general or a drill sergeant? He cooks food for fucks sake.
This. The best chef can cook perfectly for every challenge but have one bad service in a black jacket and suddenly he's not ready for the prize job. It's usually the most consistent chef that wins.
>Wasn't even going home that night
bratwurst Is ready chef!
>right here chef
>w...well no chef
>Nooooo, he totally doesn't represent the average veteran!
Is his anger justified Yas Forums?
it's called discipline and respect, not that you would know what that is because you aren't white
Of course not. It's all played up for laughs. But remember, that cooking is the work of slaves and servants, and only warrants a bit more respect than an acting career
whoever posts the burger webm, i'll suck your dick.
>whoever posts the burger webm, i'll suck your dick
When you think that most of these retards are actually professional chefs then yes.
yeah, it is a high pressure environment which you can't understand until you are in it. it might literally just be cooking meat and veg, but it is so finely balanced between going smoothly or being a shit show that one person fucking up can ruin everything.
Isn't that the guy who has no clue how a burger is supposed to work?
The destroyer of Ramsay
He was wrong on this one
Look at the fucking st8 of it
I don't like that pizza, but I also hate the faggoty flatbread peddled by chefs trying to convince you they don't hate pizza and disdain you for liking it. Gordon doesn't even like pizza, he never made a pizza video on his channel, and never serves it on Hell's Kitchen.
Is this to female or from female?
>never serves it on Hell's Kitchen
He does on occasion
Was just watching a bit and he was shouting at some fucker for burning it
You ever noticed how he never screams at niggers or muslims?
Because he'd get punched in the face. Also notice thet he always puts the kid gloves on with women. He's perfectly willing to call a man a fat fuck, but I've never seen him call even the most obese woman that.
literally watching hells kitchen rn lmao, were in a simulation
no he wasnt, i dont understand the autists on this board, look at the pizza when it was just sitting on the plate and untouched the grease was pooling on the top, its not a good pizza either way
Have you watched Hells Kitchen?
He will ream them all
>He will ream them all
Show me a clip of him screaming at 50kg. fragile, teen, or early 20 girl.
>Kitchen Nightmares UK
>Gordon tries to sort out decades-long family disputes
>Goes Into the owner's financial history and berates him for every bad business decision
>teaches the chef to cook new dishes
>connects them with local sources for ingredients
>Kitchen nightmares US
>Gordon tries three things on the menu and screams in disgust
>opens cupboards and finds rotting corpses and rat kingdoms
>violin stings and office zoom every ten seconds
>"my team have given the place a makeover"
>What was going through your head when you decided to serve us crab legs and chicken tenders user?
most of the contestants arent 50kg teen girls thats why you fucking mong
No, he's a television personality creating drama to keep things exciting.
He'd be dead from stress of he actually behaved like that at work every day
>Are these ice cubes fresh or frozen?
>f-frozen chef
>Jesus fooking christ
the difference in US and UK tv is real, just take the inbetweeners for example
The top is boring and low energy, and the bottom is the better product. The top is consistently boring, the bottom has wildly varying quality. Amy's Baking Company is better than any Kitchen Nightmares UK episode
My Gf ordered a pizza in Florence once, it was overcooked crunchy flatbread with salad on top. Fucking orrible
Freshly frozen ice cubes that we just microwaved
The UK one has more heart in it tho and hes actually helping people more, just because theres not weird characters and sound effects every 2 seconds doesnt make it less entertaining, this is the american brain people.
That's weird, I thought Italians only liked buffalo mozzarella cheese and San Maranzano tomatoes and basil for their pizzas
There's nothing wrong with sound effects and musical cues. My only complaint is when it edges into dishonest territory with ADR'd sound effects for shit like making squelching sounds when Gordon cuts a meal open.