Rich person in a movie or series

>rich person in a movie or series
>sexually deviant

Why is it that artists wanna show rich people as evil madmen all the while rich people have the highest probability of being adjusted modest people with high leadership skills, meaning the ability to negotiate with people and come to win win arrangements.

Its the artists who are usually unstable and the poor who are usually so evil that most of the time nobody ever entrusts them with any power for them to be able to become rich.

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>basically every rich person and politician on the planet is confirmed to be a pedophile at minimum and probably even more fucked up at this point
>no dude they're totally normal, well adjusted people

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ok alex jones

fuck wrong place

the only way to ever make that much money is via theft (done legally via wage labor) which automatically makes you a shtity person.

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ok epstein's assassin- i mean guard who looked away for 10 seconds while he killed himself with 2 bullets to the back of the skull with a gun he pulled out of his ass

What you're describing is the working middle class user, not the fabulously wealthy.

>basically every person on the planet is confirmed to be a pedophile at minimum and probably even more fucked up at this point
rich people just can follow their desires

Globhomo shill thread

Is this all true or did you just say it’s true?

A lot of people get rich knowing they can then engage in their szxual deviancies more easily.

It's like the war on drugs y'know. The feds crack down on meths and heroin because they're mainly used by niggers and poor people, and in the same way, a lot of psychedelics are classified as ultra dangerous despite being safer than the contents of a bigmac because if they weren't, I promise you a fuckton of people would be more concerned with spirituality.

Cocaine keeps the lawyers working but LSD gets people to take days off so it's easy to see what gets cracked down on. And this isn't even an elaborate scheme, it's the result of the firsthand consequences of those drugs.

There are more psychopaths the higher you go up the wealth/power ladder simply because having little empathy helps you making more optimal decisions regarding business.

That's a scientific fact, not my armchair opinion.

My opinion is that it's often overblown because artists need a thrilling story with interesting character and thus, need to exaggerate things.

The war on drugs happened because it was extracting tens of billions of dollars from the American people and sending that money overseas

>Cocaine keeps the lawyers working but LSD gets people to take days off so it's easy to see what gets cracked down on.
Huh? Crack was America's biggest target, not fucking LSD are you stupid?

because rich people are evil.
mind yourself, I'm talking aboit the bourgeois, not labor aristocracy.

The CIA invented crack, user.

video games

right and then the third world perfected it and made a giant industry out of it

> have the highest probability of being adjusted modest people


It's because art usually reflects the feelings of society as a whole.

Poor people are almost always smelly & ugly

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Thats a myth. Show me some meta study that supports this nonesense.

hey now im rich and all i want to do is playing video games and having family with my girlfriend

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because one part of satanism is admitting what you are doing publicly, even if it's coy, like every pop music video of the last few decades with vague satantic references like cannibalism

Being rich makes you harder to accept salvation.

>rich people
>adjusted modest people
That's a laugh

Rich are evil is literally commie propaganda...
Think about where this wave of nonesense came from..
Germany and Russia.
Both continental empires with oppressive tendencies.
The USA succeeded exactly because of how free its economy was the the proper ideals that glorified economic success.
Examine the rich people of the 19th century in the US, the time when the economy was the freest.
all those that were not in cahoots and taking government subsidies were upstanding leaders who massively benefited us society.

today we are living in an age in which even the USA has succumbed to collectivism, high government power and with it a melding of big business and government which is inherently coercive.
So now leaders of giant firms need to have the skills to maneuver coercive government to direct forcefully extracted taxes by government, into their businesses.

>all those that were not in cahoots and taking government subsidies were upstanding leaders who massively benefited us society.
Imagine unironically believing this

"it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God." ~ Jesus Christ

Because its true.
im sorry youre a progressive moron who falls for propaganda.
I just hope youll realize you are being double fucked since an increase in government size to "redistribute wealth to the poor" actually usually does the reverse, meaning solidifies the biggest economic players and stops smaller competitors and businesses.
The political class, to get elected always needs the rich and thus always have and will lend its ear first and foremost to the richest and thus secure their wealth all the while publicly supporting the poor.
the politician has two worries. public image and securing support from big interest groups.
as long as he can maintain a good public image by saying whatever works, he can safely secure the interest and thus the support of big special interests.

Cigarette companies spent decades suppressing studies about the effects of tobacco smoke because they were worried about people not smoking if they knew about the health effects.

>the people putting kids into factories and creating company towns were really the good guys all along!

It's an easy sell because most people have means well below those shown in those fictional rich people and half of them are seething with resentment.
Many people will not care much about the financial/social status of the characters too much beyond being backstory data. But many do, and the majority are not rich. Pandering to poorfags is infinitely easier and more productive for these type of products than catering to rich people.
Just see ITT people just making shit up. Rich people literally just have more money than you. It's that simple. You have the leftoids making bizarre non-arguments about free transactions being theft because they believe in insanity like the labor theory of value. But really most people don't want or need those spurious theories to hate wealthier people.
>noooo, the rich are only rich because they are evil
>I would be rich too if only I wasn't so pure
The idea that people get rich mostly by saving and investing over long periods of time, having lower time preference, having more calculated risk taking and being less overwhelmed by needs of security, etc doesn't even cross their mind.
Of course there are scammers. I know lots of them, poor scammers. The proportion is not any higher among the rich.
>b-but some roastie shows boobs and gets richer than me
As if that's representative of how most rich people are. Besides, those 'got rich by exploiting stupid people' are almost always about exploiting poorfags base desires.

>more porpoganda
First of all, company towns was a tiny fraction of business, it was literally a single exception that has been used tirelessly by commies while they massacre millions for their grand vision.
Second of all, children work in places where the alternative is them starving.
Society used to be way way poorer and many people still could not afford to not have their kids working.
what do you think kids did before industrialization? they worked on the farm like their parents. toiling away in the fields as soon as they were strong enough.
There was an african country recently where they decided to outlaw child labor despite everyone still being poor. What resulted was a drastic increase in children working in illegal jobs like prostitution and drugs cause guess what those families still needed money to survive.

Nobody wants his kids working in some shitty job, its a necessity as a result of a poor and unproductive economies.
On the other side i would say that most modern schooling is a waste of time and kids should have the ability to go to work at a much younger age then is allowed in most countries.

>kids in factories is actually a good thing
Every time

>The USA succeeded exactly because of how free its economy was

Wrong and retardpilled. It has had economic success because of geography alone.

>kid fucking libertarian wants child labor
hahahahaha holy fucking shit it's like clockwork tick tock

What said. You can look up Tobacco land for more on cigarette corps

plz link me to how exactly did they suppress studies.
the problem was that they were not conclusive and the tobacoo companies were funding favorable research, and why shouldnt they?
right from the start people were saying that smoking is bad for you and guess what, now that everyone knows this conclusively people still smoke.
second of all nobody says companies or rich people are saints, the claim is that their chances of being well adjusted is much higher as they are under immense scrutiny both by their coworkers and stock holders and by the general public.
they have to jump through crazy hoops to get to where they are.


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>hey have to jump through crazy hoops to get to where they are.
>be born into the right family
>crazy hoops

right, why even bother with economic theories, its all just geography.

Jesus was so based. Why the fuck are his so retarded?

Not other user, but yes, unironically.
These kids were not made to work under duress. They went to factories either by themselves or being sent by their parents, not by the big bad rich. The alternative was being even poorery. Riches don't grow magically, and if in pre and early industrial times there wasn't enough wealth to support non working children for so many years, the kids had to go to work at some earlier age.
As standards of living increased and productivity skyrocketed, the proportion of children in harder labor diminished greatly.

Because its projection, artists are probably the most degenerate, evil and sexually deviant class in modern times. Rich kids are actually the main demographic, I've met maybe a handful of other artists who grew up poor in my entire life being an artists. This wasn't always the case, artists were at a time well respected and well paid.

It's certainly geography by which Russia has always been a shithole while some random landlocked countries stuck in mountains with zero industrial minerals like Switzerland are rich.

>get served wine, meat, fish and have people lower themselves to the ground in front of him
>"I'm totally poor guys, trust me"

>these kids don't HAVE to slave away in my factory, they'll just starve if they don't
>I'm the good guy here

There are economic theories related and even entirely centred around geography, dipshit.

Most modern government mandated schooling is useless and is more about signaling your worth then gaining skills.
why do you think someone who has finished all courses in the uni but one gets a much lower salary than someone who finished all courses and got his degree? is it because the later knows more?
no its because he signaled he is better than his peers in conforming to the system.
Most of the things children do in schools is being babysat or learning things they dont need to know or will forget after a few months/years.
The government mandated regimented schooling is rigid and unproductive, aspiring to yet another nonsensical idea about some informed citizen.
the result more of then then not is a misinformed propogandized citizen with little skills to become someone who contributed to society and thus can sustain himself.
teenage culture is exactly a result of kids taught to live consequence free frivolous lives.
the ones who can fight that off become productive, rich and educated but most cannot and spend their early and teenage years wasting their time.

wrong board retard

As usual with retarded commies. Present them with harsh realities of the world where in some countries it's still necessary for kids to work in this day and age with alternatives being child crime. And all they can take out of this is "haha gotcha, that means you want to force kids to work".
Although it's not like they can offer solutions beyond "We should rob the rich and give it all away to poor kids, so they don't have work! Perefect plan. Can't possibly backfire in any way".

Are you not tired with literal 1850 communist slogans?
The children had to go to work because productivity was low in those times. They might have worked in small workshops belonging to a small owner that is barely middle class. They might have worked in secluded fields for their parents. They might have worked in a bigger company, with richer people on top. They might have been state slaves doing it as glorious heroes of socialist labor.

russia wanst always a shithole. it was democratic and relatively free in its pre empire times when it was sequestered.
larger countries or empires have more power to supress their population becauses its both much more taxing ot move out of a geographically bigger country and those countries usually can self sustain as oppose to being forced to trade and have an open economy like smaller and especially tiny states/countries/ societies.
when you are small and cannot sustain yourself you must open up to trade which is biggest creator of higher living standards.
Bigger countries can suppress better and push off free trade in favor of dictatorship or oligarchy.
it is obviously true that some places have better geography at any given moment in history but it is undoubtful that if the general wealth of the average person is concerned a free economy is better than a closed one.

The solution for early industrialized America would have been pay the kid's dad more than pennies
But then that might eat into the rich factory owner's profits and that just wouldn't do

>every cyberpunk game
>"we're rebels guys, rich bad, poor criminals, killers, robbers and rapist are actually nice, fuck rich people
where can I have a game where I am the rich dude putting criminals and shitters down ? beholder 2 has almost this, but I want to be the guy on top with global projects, not the mook trying to climb the corporate ladder

No there arent, thats a geopolitical theory not an economic one.
stop talking about crap you dont understand.

I dont think you even know what is involved with becoming rich. The fact that they are better off significantly more so than most is not because of simply hardwork alone.

because what happens is you get rich ancestry that has inheritance trickle down to youth that end up having those qualities not necessarily the ones who actually earned the money youre mostly right that good businessmen make money but there are also a number of incredibly rich shitty businessmen that inherited most of their wealth and can act however they please with no repercussions, including the qualities mentioned above

because rich people are inherently bad people by virtue of being rich, they are greedy leeches and must be purged

yeah because bill gates, jeff bezos etc. are the ones pushing all the furry shit


I was mocking the retards that cling to this bizarre 18th century geographical determinism.
The crushing majority of our wealth is made by heavy transformation of materials, in complex supply lines, in intricate methods of manufacture adn processing, in the free allocation of things according to demand with free prices, in the security of property, etc.
Geographical determination of wealth is something that might seem vaguely plausible in remote paleolithic prehistoric times when productive and exchange processes rarely went beyond picking something off the ground and distributing it to your family based on your own estimates. In that case, geography is indeed almost everything.

Can I have a dollar user?

You can't spell.

Wagie #41907 you have been charged with improper use of corporate bandwith. Your monthly Onlyfans privilege has been withdrawn.

>concepts like protectionism are geopolitical theories and have nothing to do with economics

Stick to video games, son. This is too advanced for your brain.

>they might have worked to develop their country and end poverty, good thing we make them work for us instead

This too. It's slightly more subtle than OP.
Rich people can be presented as alright or good, but their antagonists have to be other rich people.
Meanwhile there are gorllonz of 'oh so deserving poorfag shows the big meany rich boy the meaning of life'.
I don't remember the last time I saw a story about a rich man being 'right' against a poorer one.

Both are shady, morally ambiguous characters.

Batman punches poor criminals all the fucking time

>morally ambiguous
i'll give you ironman since he was a former weapons designer, but batman?

>simply hardwork alone.
Hard work has not and should not have any connection to wealth. Working hard is completely useless by itself.
Work fetishism is one of the most damaging widespread idea in society.

You have literally never read a comic book if you think Batman isn't morally ambiguous

>Work fetishism is one of the most damaging widespread idea in society
We can thank the ruling capitalists for that

Given how our recent political system just showed how out of touch rich people are, I'd say the artists are absolutely correct and you're retarded.

The war on drugs happened because the US government want an excuse to beat up blacks and the political left

you need to post citations, not opinions.

Agreed, but this barely is a character interaction, and doesn't really show Batman being in the right about something involving his wealth or social status, like is often explicitly the case in the reverse situation.

>win seat for town's board of directors
>spontaneously start grooming children as soon as you hear the news
Just say it's (((them))) next time instead of using mental gymanstics

>batman's villains aren't poor people
>oh well some of them are but there isn't a message there
How heavy are those goal posts?

Wages don't raise for no reason.
If you force to pay workers more while their work productivity stays the same, then all you're doing is devaluating your currency. You might see a temporary raise in living standards, but all you really did is crippled your future economy.
If you want worker's labor to cost more, you have to increase the amount of workplaces they can choose from. And that doesn't happen just like that with a snap of the finger. Good economy achieved by hard work, not by stealing and redistributing. Competition is the real engine behind progress.

lmao what rich person astroturfed this thread, bezos, thiel, gates, buffet or musk? lol

Keep up those hot gotchas, little monkey.
Entertain us in the only way you can.

>we HAVE to force the kids to work and pay men working 10 hour days practically nothing, think of the future economy!

remember that jeffrey epstein was murdered by the clintons and trump

Isn't like 1/5 billionaires an actual sociopath?

Marxists have been doing this for centuries. They depict poor as the brave, smart, hard-working, kind and rich people as evil, greedy, cowardly when in reality it is the complete opposite and it's just typical leftist projection. Poor people are nasty, dumb, greedy, lazy, self-serving, violent, entitled and typically all their woes are self inflicted.

t. grew up poor

Its been shown that people with a lot of money have less compassion and empathy than those that don't.

When you have that much money you don't actually need to depend on anyone, you will never have to worry about someone wanting to help you because you can pay someone to help you. When you have an absurd amount of money, it alters the way you perceive other people.

Also not really vidya

Batman's villains refer to people like the Penguin, Mr Freeze, Ras, Two Faces, etc. All of them are either quite upper class or belong to the magic societyless division (Joker, Killer Croc). Them hiring common thugs for street operation isn't exactly a show of poor vs rich.
If anything Bane in the Dark Knight Rises is closer to what I'm talking about, with all his speeches about fucking over the corrupt rich and Gotham is yours and 'now this house belongs to everyone'. But they had to bring in the corpse of the league of shadows and all of it being an act for Bane.

>t.bootlicker for the rich
fixed your post faggot

Have you met the kind of people who protest against the rich? 99% of them of unemployed losers with arts degrees.

>Good economy achieved by hard work, not by stealing and redistributing
Yes you know what also achieves a good economy? Taxes, double so on the ones with a lot of money and then invest that money into the public

Exclaimer for you strawmanners.
Rich people in societies with powerful government are not the same as rich people in open and free economies.
In a free economy one can only get money by providing something another wants to pay for.
In a big government economy big business has to use political acumen to make the government, with its huge coercive money collection, to redirect this stolen money to the company either directly through what is called corporate welfare or through regulations that make big business more competitive than their smaller counterparts.

Nobody's forcing anyone to do anything. It wasn't a commie shithole.
If you could come up with a better way to earn money than sending your kid to work in the same factory you did, then you should've done that. But not everyone can be an economy tycoon, so those people at least had an alternative to getting into crime.

If Jeffrey Epstein, Donald Trump, and Bill Clinton snatched your daughter away to rape her on a private island this thread would be clapping and asking if they want their wife as sloppy seconds.

Maybe if you read pravda

>in a true free market, rich people would be good people
Libertarians truly are the most retarded people on the planet

>>rich person in real life
>>sexually deviant

Attached: obama.jpg (1920x2192, 1.37M)

yeah because people mastrubating to furry porn are worse than people raping and killing kids

dude literally pimped, i mean had his daughter 'intern' for harvey weinstein lel

They simply know that by helping others, often you are hurting their future chances at becoming more productive.
Truly helping others is very hard while making them dependent on help is easy.

Honest question, how can you still be a libertarian when covid has proven your entire ideology worthless?

>if you are not 24/7 seething about some guy having a bigger house and a private plane, that means you are a cuck
Really gets me going.

Such economies existed in the past and exist now you brainless moron.
and guess what they are doing on average much better than more regulated economies.

>They simply know that by helping others, often you are hurting their future chances at becoming more productive.
Thats fucking retarded dude

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Name one that exists right now

>and exist now
in your head?

If economy climate in your country is good enough that you can handle capital outflow resulting from that, then yeah, you can raise taxes.
Not every economy can afford that though.

how does have such an ugly face but nice hair

You mean got people to accept with complaints the complete removal of any sort of right and being treated like prisoners because some morons are afraid of catching a brand of flu less virulent than the 2018 one.
You hapeniggers are even worse than the thread commies.
>t-two more weeks
but I agree, it unironically invalidates libertarianism as a mass political strategy. ben Franklin was right, the majority of people enthusiastically abandon all freedom for the dubious prospect of some security.

You're not rich rich. You've got maybe 50-100m at most, and that's about it. You don't go any further than that. You're just "rich." user was talking about the elites and the type of people who would be sitting in that CEO chair that his pic related is.

>while their work productivity stays the same
but productivity has increased in the last years

>thread moved