Shows you will never get more of and it is a crime

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Other urls found in this thread:

Ray bloody Purchase!

it's renewed for season 4, they just haven't set any dates or anything while people did other projects, but it should happen eventually.

Well, well, well. Look who it is. Steven "Hide your missus cos I'll fuck anything" Toast.

Attached: anigif_enhanced-7347-1449049492-4.gif (500x279, 1.87M)

There's not many in tonight

>that bodes well

I remember attempting to watch this with my family and we kind of tolerated the immature humour up until that one random episode where they have the naked chick on stage with no explanation, nobody said anything but it ruined the atmosphere by being giga cringe.

>they tried to get Daisy Ridley back to play the stage hand character after the pilot but couldnt find her and only realised later its because she was in TFA


You and your family sound like a gaggle of cunts

Properly filtered. Next you are going to say some pleb shit like you didn't like Darkplace.

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I look full on but I'm actually stood at a very slight angle

>immature humor
There is literally an evolving gag about Toast's brother and his fake hand that lasts for literally an entire arc how are you this retarded?

I assessed its appeal to be targeted at the 95-100 IQ crowd so I never got into it

>Cumberbatch lasted over an hour

He's released two Toast shorts in the past few weeks

Attached: toast4.gif (500x273, 1006.81K)

Yikes, reddit and MDE might be more your speed.

It was boring and up its own ass. The naked chick was jarring and unnecessary. The story was forgettable.

This show is huge on reddit, see my above post concerning IQ

>getting this triggered by a bit of nudity
Are you American per chance?

what is this

Don't forget his albino twin brother, Bill Purchase.

I can bet there isn't a single real reddit thread about this show you fucking retard.


The filter is real.

>Matt Berry

What the hell is this and is it good? Also what happened to the Garth Marenghi crowd? Richard Ayoade seems to have done the best with IT Crowd, Travel Man, book and guest slots of comedy shows.

Don't remind me

toast of london

>Is the best Matt Berry performance outside of WWDITS good?

Toast of London.

It's good - it's on UK Netflix (and 4od I think?). Not sure about outside the UK.

Real life kino

>nobody posts on either of these in literal years
Are you pretending?

ITT: people who unironically quote Xavier Renegade Angel to the parents they live with

It seems to me like you're the expert, user!

the Detectorists

Hello steven, can you hear me?

Xavier is literally older than most posters now.

>calling people/things reddit
>literally going to and linking reddit
cool, stay there

Attached: very funny.jpg (1280x720, 352.77K)

>imagine being behind reddit in terms of entropy

>it's so under the radar that Youtube has full episodes

Holy based. Thanks guys. I moved from UK 8 hears ago so no idea what good TV comes out of there any more.

This is Clem Fandango.

It's come to my attention that very few people have seen this piece of absolute kino.

I don't gauge what I'm supposed to like based on the shelf life of conversation on fucking rebbit you goddamn zoomer faggot. I don't care.

>old good new bad

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it's too much kino for most people to handle

>season 3 has been finished for like 2 years and has been screened to the public but it still hasn't been released anywhere
>first 2 seasons were added to cbc gem a few months ago but silence on whether or not season 3 is going to show up on gem
fuck vice, fuck rogers, fuck the cbc and fuck jews

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It shows