Rich person in a movie or series

>rich person in a movie or series
>sexually deviant

Why is it that artists wanna show rich people as evil madmen all the while rich people have the highest probability of being adjusted modest people with high leadership skills, meaning the ability to negotiate with people and come to win win arrangements.

Its the artists who are usually unstable and the poor who are usually so evil that most of the time nobody ever entrusts them with any power for them to be able to become rich.

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If the setting is a corporate world, you definitely have to be like that to reach the top irl.
>sexually deviant
I don't know how common it is. Most rich peoples I know are straight and I presume they have easier time to have 'normal' sex. Either woman come along attracted by their money/position or they find a woman just as ambitious and career driven as they are.

Tyrell was the best character and Email fucked up

Good goy

people at the top largely either got there through nepotism, and they're average in every way and uninteresting, and nobody wants to make a movie about that. or they are basically evil madmen, because that's what it fucking takes to get to the top without any help

you can't make it that far without being somewhat of a sociopath
that said, you're watching some academic dullard convincingly pretend to be something they're not for your viewing pleasure so it might also be an industry of real sociopaths simply projecting

Because entertainment is made for poor people who want a temporary escape for the drudgery of their normal life. They want to see that the rich who they are so far removed from are bad so they can feel better about themselves and their shitty life.

Because artists are almost never rich themselves, and cannot fathom that rich people are exactly as they are themselves, except mostly more intelligent and hard working.

>Most rich peoples I know are straight and I presume they have easier time to have 'normal' sex
as a gay faggot let me tell you theres a lot of rich, married "straight" guys who want to pound some boipucci, and its also usually those guys with the fucked up fetishes like piss. for the record im not arguing that those people make up the majority

>people at the top largely either got there through nepotism, and they're average in every way and uninteresting
At most they are usually just show-off. Buy some random expensive stuff, show it to everyone irl or social media.

Yeah, I suppose you are right. I imagine getting to those weird sex party is much easier with the money and connection.

yeah because the poor are so good and honest...what world do you live in.
People in leadership positions have to know howto compromise and make sure others want to follow them, meaning create or take actions in ways that satisfy a large amount of people.

Poor people usually lack those skills.
The lack both the temperament and self control and the actual skills necessary to make good decisions.
If by some chance they do receive money and power the consequences are usually negative, for themselves and for others.

>commie propoganda.
The freer the marker the higher the chance that the people in the top are there because of their high abilities to manage things in voluntary interactions, meaning interactions in which the other side has to agree to cooperate with you.
This is opposed to government control in which interactions are inherently forceful, meaning that a dictator or a majority candidate can forcefully take people's money or force them to take actions they would not have willingly took.

>Poor people usually lack those skills.
they lack those skills because of their poor parents lacking those skills too. if you remove a poor white kid from his family and put him into a rich and educated family, what do you think would happen?

The three areas that attract the highest amount of sociopaths are economy, politics and media.

Media depicting politics or corporate environments as evil is just sociopaths shifting blame on other sociopaths.

BTW religion is extremely unattractive to sociopaths because all the work required to get promoted into positions of power requires being nice to people and promotions are really slow.

A lot of corporation leadership is typically made up of people that have blackmail material on each other and who will jealously prevent anyone from rising to their ranks without similar leverage. Generally if the leadership isn't first gen (the guy that built it) chances are it's caught in a perpetual downward spiral only kept aloft by the inherent productivity of the already established company.

You get the same person only with a bit more money.
Familiar with the term from sleeve to sleeve? it was a result of the relatively free economy in the USA during the 19 and beginning of the 20th century in which it was common for someone to rise to the top and then have his son or grandson squander it all and return to being poor.

Many studies show that environment actually plays a much lesser role in the outcome and the final person a kid becomes.
Rich people or well educated people often times just pass on their genes that favor the behavior they themselves exhibited that lead to them being successful.
No doubt that if you are put in a rich family you might have better results and if you compare a loser in a rich family and a loser in a poor family the life of the rich loser might better as he will be able to afford to indulge himself more.
On the other hand a poor person with a lack of motivation might be motivated by need which will cause him to be productive and achieve something with himself while the unmotivated rich kid will not have need to force him into becoming productive.
the rich kid is fully better off only if you look at it from the perspective of some basic hedonist who only wants to fuck drink and do drugs.
If you are however talking about fulfillment then rich kids who lack the genetic predisposition to motivate themselves and be active lack the need and worries that can drive a poor person to lead a fulfilling life.

Because it makes for a better story

Thats a myth. Show me some meta study that supports this nonesense.

It's a coping mechanism.

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Rich are evil is literally commie propaganda...
Think about where this wave of nonesense came from..
Germany and Russia.
Both continental empires with oppressive tendencies.
The USA succeeded exactly because of how free its economy was the the proper ideals that glorified economic success.
Examine the rich people of the 19th century in the US, the time when the economy was the freest.
all those that were not in cahoots and taking government subsidies were upstanding leaders who massively benefited us society.

today we are living in an age in which even the USA has succumbed to collectivism, high government power and with it a melding of big business and government which is inherently coercive.
So now leaders of giant firms need to have the skills to maneuver coercive government to direct forcefully extracted taxes by government, into their businesses.

>>Why is it that artists wanna show rich people as evil madmen all the while rich people have the highest probability of being adjusted modest people with high leadership skills, meaning the ability to negotiate with people and come to win win arrangements.

This seems dumb.

you think its untrue? Think about media and how it USUALLY, not always but usually portrays rich people. Decadent, evil self absorbed etc...
Think about the political tendencies of most artist.
The are usually statists in favor of government control and wealth redistribution through government.

This show has the laziest, hackiest writing. It's like how Elliott is introduced in the pilot as hacking a pedo. It's on the same level as making your protagonist fight a nazi, it's the writer shoving "here, he's the good guy" in your face. Tyrell's sociopathy and BDSM shenanigans is just as bad. There's the scene where he beats up a homeless guy for a dollar too. It's one of the most embarrassing attempts at doing a mature, cable show I can think of. It's so bad that it becomes kind of enjoyable if you accept it as pulpy tryhard edgelord shlock, an awkard collection of cliches and mash-up of essential 16yo imdbcore 90-2000s post grungecore classics, ie it's Tyler Durden fighting against Patrick Bateman with some Trainspotting or Requiem for a Dream drugs thrown in and the tired split persona twist as well for good measure, with the most sophomoric attempts at doing some Fincher tier cinematography. It's the ultimate guilty pleasure for self-aware edgy INTJ nihilists who grew up with BE Ellis and Palahniuk and computers. But anyone claiming it's on par with HBO's best instead of being on the same level of artistic merit as CW teen soap operas has a severe case of dogshit taste.

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Because most artists are leftist. And they see the Rich as the enemy

well written and i agree. I still like the show though.

>while rich people have the highest probability of being adjusted modest people

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As opposed to the myth that sociopathy actually exists? We are talking psychology here, a "science" that still hasn't advanced past "educated guess". That a functional sociopath would seek out environments that enable him is not some crazy far out idea, is it? It's how they are supposed to operate: Infiltrate a group, seize power, abuse power. Why would a sociopath want to take up a career where he has little power and won't have any for a long time when he can spend the same time and effort in an environment that hands him power quickly and with little effort?

Also do your own fucking research you lazy git. You can start with wikipedia, which will probably state exactly what I said and cite some sources that you will then casually dismiss as "nonsense" without even proposing a counter-explanation.

No dumbass, way to move the goalpost.
I never said sociopathey does not exist and you know it.
show me the meta study that shows that there are more sociopaths among rich business people.
I dont need to do research cause you made a claim. As far as im concerned there are as much sociopaths among the poor.
You can come up with stories about why there should be more sociopaths among the rich and i can come up with with stories why there should be more among the poor since sociopaths cannot keep stable relationships. their nature is always exposed after a while making them unable to sustain long term productive relationships needed for long term sustainable business.

>Moving goalposts
Whenever the fuck did I claim that sociopaths are only rich? I said they try to get into environments that enable their behavior. Most sociopaths end up in prison. Highly functioning ones have a tendency to go into the aforementioned businesses as opposed to those that are less enabling of their bullshit. That doesn't mean they succeed and become rich. In fact, a sociopath in middle management typically destroys his career through his behavior. But given enough attempts and time high functioning ones will eventually manage to get to the highest level and then they have practically free reign until the roof collapses. You only need to let ONE slip through and you're fucked and the chance that a slip through occurs logically increases with the attempts made. The longer a system runs, the more corrupt it becomes.

Corporate execs are typically sociopathic degenerates, a big part of why our society is going off the rails is their typically unethical conduct.

You losers even know any rich people? You believe they're evil scheming fucks because of the movies.

t. a real free market has never been tried