>Japanese ""acting""
Japanese ""acting""
bad japanese films are, on average, better than bad american films
Japan doesn't make many good live action movies hence anime and it's existence throughout history
bad japanese films are, on average, better than american films.
then again that doesn't say anything because american movies are shit
what movie so i can look for her newds?
More like Japanese "Based"ing
this is what happens when anime becomes your nation's main form of entertainment
this is filmed like anime though. maybe that's the problem
Kinos for this feel?
No, this is what happens when you live in a culture where people are expected to be quiet and reserve, people use media as an outlet to do the opposite.
Please, I'm begging you, get a new webm. there are a million cheesy Japanese actors in a million horrible scenes and I just want to see something new on this godforsaken board once in a while. I can handle the same posts, but my autism only goes so far.
This is at least mildly comedic, despite being pretty bottom of the barrel shit
Genuinely better than something like Jack & Jill which has a lot more money behind it to begin with
I like it. It's not "serious" acting, but sometimes you just want something a little cheesy and over the top.
Japanese time
This is completely false, the majority of japs don’t care about anime. Big time anime lovers are seen exactly like they are in West, weirdo freaks
is this Love Exposure?
why are japanese men so ugly
>Oi. Are u having a giggle m8?
Somebody post the Sailor Moon one.
>japs don't make good movies
>literal mouthbreathers are considered 10/10 in japan
How did they have such good special effects???
damn what is this? this is so much better than those american bullshit netflix series
Why are the same 5 webms always posted over and over again? Aren't there any new ones?
Based Kamen Rider W.
There are plenty of Japanese TV series and films with acting the west considers, "Normal". Your example isn't Japanese, "Acting" it's a very particular style that no one, absolutely no one, over there considers realistic. It's very purposefully over the top, as are various melodramatic works out of Japan. It was never meant to be realistic or western ideas of "good acting" it is meant to be what you see for people that enjoy that. I struggle to find a western equivalent.
Think about the old late night Cartoon Network shows that got popular, Tim & Eric type stuff. That's not good acting, or even good comedy, by most measures. It was something very specific for a particular subset of people that found it entertaining. This 'acting' you're singling out has more in common with that, albeit more widespread and accepted as many countries outside of the west are very fond of melodrama and very over the top 'acting' or 'acting' Bollywood is full of this for example.
Because its a b8 thread.
Japanese are largely autistic manchildren with juvenile sensibilities