ITT: hidden kino

ITT: hidden kino

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is his butt abnormally large or are the kids all preemies

>tfw someone stole my script

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It's like the tardis



Finally a movie that accuratly portrays the gay lifestyle.

Is this on 123movies?

I dated a 40 year old man when I was 13 and just coming out of the closet. He called me Butt Boy and sexually abused me, which is honestly fucking hilarious to me now that I see this title.


lol fag

Attached: party rock anthem starts playing.png (1006x943, 1M)

Did you enjoy it though?


>Party Rockers in the House Tonight starts playing

>I dated
>sexually abused me

Pick one

Attached: WAT.gif (446x469, 1.46M)

you were asking for it

shut up butt boy

For real, why is pedophilia so common among gays?

I liked the attention I got at the time

Fags reproduce by molesting children

not based and horrific

no one gives a shit about male children. better not touch those girls tho user!

I meant the experience. Anal sex at 13 sounds pretty painful

gays are attention whores so they make stories up

lmao butt boi

>t. user with butt boy repressed memories


At the time I thought it was dating. I didn't realize he had been grooming me for like a few months before I came out by talking to me at the single gas station we had in town. I thought it was honestly great that an adult was really into me and then I was getting beaten in secret when he'd do drugs after we had sex.

because they were molested when they were kids it's how the gay disease is passed on

>honestly fucking hilarious to me now that I see this title.
Why can't women have a sense of humor about sexual abuse, like based faggot here?

how did he beat you up without you knowing about it

Yas Forums is the funniest fucking board ever

>Yas Forums is the funniest fucking board ever

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wait wait wait, this is a real movie? and a reviewer is describing it as 'zodiac meets stranger things'??
what the fuck

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with his cock