What's your favorite Japanese show?

what's your favorite Japanese show?

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>mfw i would fuck em all

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Probably Midnight Diner.

Absolutely based.

Either Rocket or Soft on Demand

I never really laugh at Gaki no Tsukai but goddamn is it comfy to watch when I'm slightly drunk and curled up on my couch.

Name 1 TV show from Japan that isn't comedy


Calling dibs on top left


middle in the second row>right in the first row>power gap>everyone else

Kamen Rider W

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AKBingo, what else.

Attached: Yuria Kizaki Domination_na.webm (640x360, 2.99M)

They all look like they could cook a mean steak too, goddammit white women.

Can uppermost right replace Julie Chen on Big Brother shes cute.

I like the one with a lot of ikemen like High & Low

Time taxi is a charming Japanese comedy
I would reccomend it!

Why are the Japs so trad bros? How can we implement this in Western women?

Right you are Ken!


By being an isolationists island nation from the first human settlement of the island.

Have you seen the kind of shit they draw?
They aren't trad

Whatever happened to Silent Library?

Any of these girls need my white hot cream? emphasis on the white.

Terrace house

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does anyone watch Legal High?
I like it.. has its charm

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I was friends i college Japanese girl born here in the states. She talked about wanting to have kids and make bento lunches for them like her mom did. It was adorable. I regret never asking her out. Though we did just go out for dinner sometimes.

Almost any show with those 2 actors as leads are good

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these look like a bunch of 25+ year old washed up idols. Names?

For me? It's bottom right

Look at that 5'9" ouki bakemono over there

I don't know much about Yui, but for the dude I watched Hanzawa Naoki, which is also pretty goof

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I mean good

>Why are the Japs so trad bros?

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