Is this movie actually good or is it lib propaganda celebrated for being progressive.
Is this movie actually good or is it lib propaganda celebrated for being progressive
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Actually homosexuality is depicted quite negatively in the film.
It's actually good, but don't bother with it if you hate gays. I mean you'll enjoy it in the end, but if you are someone like my father who can't stand homos and blacks being pushed out in every new role just because they are homo or black, then give it a miss.
Well homosexuality is seen as causing infidelity, depression, death, etc. And it shows homosexuality as something forced upon the unsuspecting.
Your father sounds based and I'm sure he is extremely disappointed in you.
It was decent. Jake's character is a total piece of shit who held one assfuck over Heath's head for fucking decades, threatening to out him to keep getting fucked more, even shows up at his house implying he'd tell his wife
>who held one assfuck over Heath's head for fucking decades, threatening to out him to keep getting fucked more, even shows up at his house implying he'd tell his wife
What the FUCK are you talking about. Did you even watch the same movie? None of this happened or was even implied.
Don't bother, just another retard
>Did you even watch the same movie?
I don't think YOU did if that's not what you got out of it. Heath was confused as shit & the whole thing would've gotten dropped & forgotten about if Jake wasn't constantly pushing for it.
Read the short story, none of what you just said happens. Your headcanon is not canon.
What does anal sex feel like?
Fucking Heath had a wife & kid & this faggot shows up at his house, to which Heath flips out & essentially reestablishes contact to get him to stay away from there. The implication being "keep fucking me or I keep showing up til your wife figures it out".
I hadn't seen it precisely because I thought it was only propaganda, but was surprised about it being actually good.
They cheat, lie, neglect work and their families, always acting immature. They're actually a couple of losers, the peak of their lives was buggering each other at the mountain when they were young.
>Read the short story
We're discussing the film here, and that's what came across in the film.
The very first time it hurts and you feel like you're gonna shit yourself.
But once you learn how to relax and get into a rhythm it feels like an orgasm that won't stop happening.
How about you watch it and make up your own opinion instead of spouting buzz words like a retard?
What would be gayer to watch, Brokeback Mountain or Magic Mike?
o-oh my...
The movie is literally 1-1 to the short story. Also all Jake did was send him a postcard saying wanna meet up (for sex being the implication) and Heath replied "you bet". He could have said "Fuck off queer".
I kinda liked the relationship between them. One strong silent type and well, the other one wasn't really effiminate either. They had their own song, which was nice too.
It's gay, but it's good.
its a great movie
great love story
but there is one part that just you gotta close your eyes.
if you see them spit on their fingers just close your eyes for a minute and hum.
rest of the movie is spectacular.
Typical Hollywood deconstruction of Westerns. Male bonding perverted into sex. Cowboys perverted into homosexuals. Pretty much an attack on the Western genre.
The ending is soul-crushingly sad.
>if you see them spit on their fingers just close your eyes for a minute and hum.
lol what a pussy.
The italians already ‘deconstructed’ the western genre in the late 60s kiddo
I thought the extended edition scene of him pushing out all the built up feces blocking his urethra & preventing him from pissing the next morning was a bit much myself.
>It has homos so it's a perverted attack!
Them being cowboys is just a metaphor, dumbass.
Your father sounds like a low iq idiot brainfried by boomer facebook and 24/7 news headline skimming
I bet he thinks he's an intelligent freethinker and the last book he's read was high school catcher in the rye
Do him a favor and pull up a blank map and ask him to point out the countries on there so you can publicly destroy his ego so that hopefully it'll help him develop some humbleness and awareness of his inferior intelligence
ok cock sucker.
I do not like homosexuals I just know many retards like your father
>if you dislike male on male anal sex you're literally worse than 10 Hitlers forming a mechaHitler
I remember vividly the Voltronocaust
>deconstruction of Westerns
What does this even mean. I think you're confusing a genre with reality
When are faggots going to admit they're natural duds .
w-what happens after they spit on their fingers?
wet willies
they had anal sex with no preparation after eating nothing but beans for months. lol I'm not joking.
Why don't people know how to webm? Where are the webms
>on a board with no sound where you can't even hear the gentle wet smooshings of manlove
what's the fucking point
Good story about characters that happen to be fags.
Heath kept coming back to him lol, if he just wanted to fuck once he would have ghosted him and ignore that ever happened
It's not about "disliking gays" that opinion expressed by that guys father is the most common cliche found among the type of person I described. It's hilarious how retarded and unaware they are. Just like everybody should be punched in the face at least once in their lives people should be intellectually humiliated in person at least once in order to stop the breeding of people like that
Clint Eastwood destroyed the western genre ages before BM