*Sigh* Somehow, Baron Harkonnen returned.
*Sigh* Somehow, Baron Harkonnen returned
>were did all these sardookar come from?
>I think their just fremen sir.
>My boy
That's literally the plot of the third book.
god. this actor. how can he look at himself. he keeps doing this to himself
Who preborns first? Do I preborn first?
why do they have to taint dune with star wars actors?
The only reason it was studio approved was to cash in on starwasr and got. Studio execs view dune as the sum of both so it must be popular.
Fucking retards
Yes, but remember the Baron's genetic memories possess Alia who gains weight and turns into a sexual deviant who abuses and murders her servants. This is why Children of Dune needs an adaptation more than any other book.
Because someone is still mad that Lynch didn't want to do Jedi
I was a little creeped when frank described leto2 mouth as wide and generous lol wtf if this gay shit.
This armor is retarded. Every time they turn their heads that collar thing is gonna cut right into the side of their chin/jaw. You can just see how its jamming into his face.
yeah it really screwed up my enjoyment of the preteen twins taking part in the orgies
in some of the photos, it looks like some of the armor also stops them from raising their arms. really shit design.
>The actions of the hero in book 1 create a galaxy-size genocide and 2500 years of awful oppresion by book 4
Really made me think
This is true if liet have not given paul sanctuary it wouldn't have happened.
He likes money
no it isn't. the baron only comes back in alia's mind because she's the literal kwizatch haderach abomination schizo. generic memory fucking with her perception of reality, past and present. he doesn't "come back" physically.
if you read deeply enough you'd know that the nigger could literally see all possible futures and his actions were necessary to prevent humanity from going extinct. its why he fucks off and becomes the prophet. his son leto ii saw the exact same thing and immediately realized why his father fucked off and sympathized with him not being strong enough to take the necessary action and just wanted to die instead. leto ii took up the role so Paul could die in peace knowing he didn't have to be the genocidal villain to humanity that would become the catalyst to the scattering that kept humanity going.
liet kynes gets sent out into the dessert to die without a still suit on and gets instagibbed by a spice blow so who cares
i just started the third book. But in messiah its implied paul vision are manufactured. That there is an overarching design outside of his control. So far non of paul visions are actually reality some don't even happen as paul sees them.
I just read the first half of the original book and it doesn't mention armor at all besides their shield packs. Sounds like this version is going to have even more original unnecessary content than even Lynch's did.
>Guys i read the wiki lmao he just dies who cares
The design is his son's. The water of life does fucked up things to children born from it. Hide the thread now if you want to enjoy the book.
I wish they add some colors and patterns on their clothes. They all look so.... meh.
They're clearly trying to make an allegory to catholic knights and Muslim robes. Which means they're either retarded or only watched clips of Lynch's movie.
fuck off with your wojak bullshit i read all of the books. he is an extremely minor character in the grand scheme and for lack of a better meme, the only thing that mattered was his plan.
the book is very very heavily muslim inspired once they hit arrakis. makes sense
Terrible casting for duke Leto, fuck this gay movie, and fuck this gay earth