Explain how this isn’t the best show ever made
Explain how this isn’t the best show ever made
If it's so good why haven't I ever watched it?
because it's nihilistic trash and not /ourshow/
True Detective S1 exists
yep and bcs and aqua teen hunger force
Cringe and wrongpilled
it's shit
Is OZ really that good? I figured that since it came from the early era of HBO it is gonna be needlessly try hard and edgy like Queer as Folk.
It's uneven. Parts of it are great but others are so embarrassing I wish I'd never seen 'em.
Walter white would not exist without Tony Soprano.
it is rough but there's something innately entertaining about its vulgarity, give it a shot
better call saul is better
it’s good but XRA is /ourshow/
It's not even the best show in that universe
it is, but there's also breaking the 4th wall with freestyle rapping
It's popular.
Because only season 1 is kino and everything after is pretty average. The most consistently well written show is still a tie between mad men and sopranos.
>mad men
Better Call Saul exists.
No Kimmy /thread.
First season is pretty good, probably the best one in fact. After that is slowly just becomes a big brutal homoerotic soap opera.
The first season is shit and it only gets good in the middle of the second season
It's got a killer premise and they completely flubbed it. It's no better than SOA or Peaky Blinders. It's just too much of a soap..
No rewatch value. It's the equivalent of a pulp paperback novel. It's fun enough to read but I'm not getting much out of it if I decide to read it again.
Season one is good and it starts to go to shit in the middle of the second season.
is one of the best characters... what's your point
i like the show but it's not even in the debate for GOAT. gimme a fucking break nigga
Mad Cuck and Simpranos suck dick
Speak for yourself. I rewatched it 3+ times and I enjoyed it every time.
It's queer as folk for gays
It's a good show, but plenty of problems. Some generic acting, some cringe dialogue and performances, some plot holes and stretches.
In retrospect Oz was a really bad show
Maybe just because way better shows have come out since then
I tried watching it. Had to quit. Stupid and boring. Wasted an outstanding premise. Should have been a movie.
It's a drama and therefore only good for one watch. After that there isn't any drama because you know what's going to happen next.
Spoken like a true prag
I recently watched all of Breaking Bad for the first time, and I was pretty disappointed with it overall. I really liked the first season; I think the show was better when it was Walt and Jessie making meth in the trailer. When the show becomes about Walt working for Gus I find that the show becomes really boring and repetitive. I think having Walt go into remission so early was a mistake, as that takes a lot of the tension out of it
I wasn't crazy about the direction of the narrative arc. We never really see Walt become a meth kingpin like the show is sort of leading you to believe. As soon as he seems to establish himself for real ("Say My Name") very quickly after things fall apart, so we never get the arc where Walt is on top and truly running things
And my biggest disappointment of all: the way in which Hank finds out that Walt is Heisenburg was very forced. He just sees the book on the toilet. I was really expecting that Hank would eventually figure it out organically through his investigations instead of just luckily stumbling upon the truth it while on Walt's toiler. It felt very lazy from the writers and destroyed 5 seasons of build up. We never see a true moment where Hank figures it all out and has a moment of revelation
Generally I find most of the middle of the show pretty bad and most of it feels like fluff. I think the show is more successful in the desert and Mexico scenes, that's where a lot of the appeal for me lies. Much of the middle of the show is "Jessie messes something up and Walt has to fix it" as if they are artificially trying to pad out the length.
Somebody post fring adjusting his tie
cringe not based at all
you could say this with essentially any good tv character post 2003
it got progressively better. s1 was ok but not great