Movies where mental illness is accurately portrayed?
Movies where mental illness is accurately portrayed?
Cuck, maybe. But I wouldn't know because I didn't see it.
And nobody else did, either
if you permabanned Yas Forums losers on sight most of this shit would disappear
if you made a movie about a schizo who spams caricatures of "sóy boys" on a crappy imageboard for no clear reason, it would be called too unrealistic.
>ask for a source
>someone posts onions at me
Yas Forums - Television and Film
Blue Jasmine
the absolute FUCKING state of this board
This says a lot about our society
This. I stopped browsing Yas Forums for only a few months and I come back and it’s in disrepair
this isn't even close to Yas Forums's nadir. the months following the 4channel split were unreal
Cast him
what is this
It was much worse a year or two ago. There would be times where gore, porn, and general Yas Forums spam threads would stay up all night with no response from our janitorial staff. Since then they've gotten a little better, which isn't saying much. But it's unbelievable that there needs to be a dedicated /film/ general to talk about anything that isn't race-bait or "kinos for this feel".
>what are falseflags
looks like a discord
the deep state
Idk boys I consider the constant Alita shilling to be a pretty low point but I’m hoping things will get better soon. I’m assuming Yas Forums is so shit right now because of the newfags coming in because of the coronavirus since they have nothing better to do
hey dude can you share the reaction image folder before the thread 404s thanks
Rangeban all phoneposters actually
Well it's no secret that Yas Forums is the new Yas Forums, since no one wants to use Yas Forums anymore. if you ask other boards their opinions of Yas Forums, they say "that's the place I go to shitpost." The mods don't care. It's been like this for years and it's not getting better. It's the 5th fastest board on Yas Forums which is absurd.
shame the yellow Yas Forums raids failed but the mods do care
t. banned by fikod like 4 times
I truly miss Yas Forums from like 2009.
>Yas Forums is the new Yas Forums
A phrase said by redditors who are ALWAYS the first ones to call for the mods when off-topic threads they don't like start popping up during their little epic redditors first time on Yas Forums spam happens
>commission artist has all of his shit in the pictures directory, not in a specific folder
fake as fuck
>Yas Forums is the new Yas Forums
>mods don’t care
Why live?
Maybe I’ll try Yas Forums on 8kun or maybe I’ll just try and get my friends into kino so we discuss amongst ourselves
I find the late night off topic threads pretty amusing, but its true the board is way too fast now. Whenever I make threads about movies or genres they last like an hour tops
What does >2005 and pool/snooker mean to you?
If you say "nothing" or don't reply with his picture you're a poser newfag
>Yas Forums
that place is even worse. 24/7 discord raids, 6 threads on the same topic with 200 replies, half the catalog is off topic the rest is twitter screencaps with the odd on topic thread that gets archived because its on page 10 all the time. I would be surprised if there are any actual Yas Forumstards anymore
Yas Forums hasn't been good for a long time. i find it hilarious when i checked the board about 6 months ago that the same teens with tits pics are still getting posted lol
Where the fuck can I go. I need suggestions.
Lmao no it's a deadzone, (((Josh))) has started up 16chan or whatever using leftovers from infinity next, that might turn out to be cool because unlike cripchan he's making it so legacy boards are staff moderated
Maybe they migrated but they're still Yas Forumstards
I miss old /sp/ and Yas Forums. Yes, memes were also forced back then but they died naturally then moved onto something new.
>Yas Forums was once the den of ebil hackers, at least according to normalfags
>It's now yet another porn board
I'll give them this, their ratio of girls to sissies/traps/fags in general is much better than other boards like /gif/ and /soc/ (Why the fuck does that board exist?)
its really sad if you've been to /new/ and Yas Forums zimzam era (the golden age). the fucking board is pure reddit cancer
it's random in name only. it's true that people have been saying since Yas Forums was created that it's not "random" anymore and just a circlejerk of cliches, but now that's actually true. like you said, you can leave it alone for a year or two or three, and come back and it's the exact same as when you left.
McKill me
>has to ask why /soc/ exists
Yas Forums has always been the porn board. it was my entry board when i started browsing here in 2009 looking for some gif porns.
Every Time
God I made this drawing so long ago lol
/sp/ was the pinnacle of Yas Forums. Yas Forums wasn't a force back then was just used by /sp/ to get raid gets. i miss /sp/ as well before the mod lockdown. it was a sight to behold
take your meds schizo
lmao no, the amount of shills here has never been so bad. and the mods actively push an agenda now. it always gets objectively worse here
he's right you fucking shill. you lefties hate free speech. why do you still try to deny the obvious?
take your meds schizo
well at least you're honest about being a kike shill. that's most people who moderate this place now so I guess you don't even have to pretend
God dammit. Even during the election years (2016-2018) we still had quality discussion and every thread wasn’t just porn or whatever the fuck. But come 2019 and the site (or at least the board) turns into pure shit. Why? Did people start purposefully ruining it because they were upset about the election? But why the two year gap if that was the case? Was it my Timezone? Do I live in a good one? Was it sheer fucking luck? Did the porn posters and retarded shitposters go to another board? Why 2019?
Shutter Island.
same lol
Fuck off cunt you're not me
>Basedboy Wojak (58)
>not basedboy_wojak_58_final_3_final_7_final_test.psd