Elmo Wartson turned 30 the other day. Say something nice about xer.
Elmo Wartson turned 30 the other day. Say something nice about xer
not until she apologizes about her car
fucking apologize you bitch
>30 and childless
She's absolutely pathetic
2nd best Elmo
Not until she apologizes for her fucking car.
What’s this a reference to?
I cant sleep
Cant eat
If anyone wants to know, she drives an Audi, and she wont apologise for that.
She is self-partnered. A closed loop, a perfect circle, a universe unto herself. Self-fulfilling - the alpha AND the omega!
She don't need no man!
this fucking BITCH where does she get the nerve???
I appreciate her hairy pusy
>Be a spoiled cunt from 1st world and millionaire.
>Decide to start nagging people about morality and ecology
>Busted with the panama papers
>owns a fucking cadillac escalade
This hipocrite hoe is going to die alone.
why d0 ppl want an APOLOGY?
because she did a thing
makes my blood boil fucking BITCH AHHHH
"So I just got to suck that tiny jew dick and Ill be a staple in this industry for a long time? Whip it out!"
Few months later Weinstein goes to jail, and she will never get the taste out of her mouth.
she won’t do it
that's just the same kind of lame two door compact every other brit drives
She's almost 20 years past her expiration date at this point, who even cares anymore
what bout it?
she wont apologize for it
I dont get it bros... why wont she just give up and apologize?
why should she?
We should help her out by putting a baby in her
Apologize you bitch
apologize right now
An impossible task
We need to go back.
why won't she apologize?
>tfw no worst emma hooker with cum on her shoes gf