What the fuck happened? She was everywhere a few years ago and then, *poof*, she vanished.
Nothing. Nada. Zero. Zilch.
What the fuck happened? She was everywhere a few years ago and then, *poof*, she vanished
Other urls found in this thread:
Weinstein was jailed.
The power of MeToo. Now it's harder for whores to get roles because they can't just use their body
her pimp got nabbed. it was big news.
Harvey busted.
Which, ironically, also describes how she got a career.
she got married. Shes a cunt. She said she would devote the next year or so to fighting drumpf lol what a retard. that hotter version of her exists, whatever her name is, was in that movie the girl on the train or some trash. shes a cunt.
literally this lol
why do you type like a redditor?
I saw her asshole
So did everyone else.
Isn't she a huge bitch behind the scenes too?
just like every sjw white girl in Hollywood(brie larson)
Yeah she is.
she had a high but narrow peak.
She played a main character/lead in two film series, which saw her in 7 megabudget movies just between 2011-2016.
In between she landed a big role in Silver Linings Playbook and a semi-big role in American Hustle, which were always gonna be mega hits--which is why they splurged for an A-Lister like her at the top of her celebrity.
Since her movie franchises ended, she's been more out of the public consciousness, and thusly studios aren't falling over themselves to hand her a role.
Silver Lining Playbook and Garden Party were the only two films she's been in where Weinstein was involved.
Granted, she had like no role in Garden Party, it was her first movie, and it was a low budget film, so yea, she definitely banged Weinstein, which is how she got her in, but it looks like she was pretty much done with him after that.
"mother!" killed her career
Just post her asshole pic already
She's still waiting at the Hanging Tree.
>starred in a series of flops
>low media profile
>not been in a significant franchise film since 2005
Weinstein can’t write the checks anymore.
everyone saw her butthole
This, her dating the director and the mixed response from people to the movie seemed to halt her career although nobody realized at the time.
Remember the hunger games? It feels like it was twenty years ago. Probably because the series fizzled out and by the last movie no one cared.
What are you talking about? She's going to star in Blackedkino soon.
Man those movies were dull as fuck. I remember they tried to push that shit as somekind of a 'harry potter' level event
she was a huge bitch in public