Drinking kino

Post films with a heavy drinking aspect
Pic related, Wake in Fright

Attached: download.jpg (840x605, 178.13K)

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Leaving las vegas

Lost Weekend

The Lighthouse
It's basically Wake in Fright, but it's two guys in a lighthouse.

Attached: wake in fright but its actually the lighthouse.webm (1292x1076, 2.73M)

Wake in Fright might have my favourite title track of all time


Man drinks himself to death during the Mexican Day of the Dead. The book's better but there you go.

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Withnail and I

Attached: On The Bowery (1956).jpg (1417x2048, 1.82M)

The Master
Animal House



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Unironically this, had a great time watching it with a few drinks and laughing at what a retarded idea it was.

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There's a reason why liquor stores haven't been shut down yet during all this Corona shit.

>You said ye like me cookin
It's more of a meme movie than anything dude , still pretty funny

>I seen it! Yer fond o' me lobster!

Simultaneous hilarious and yet kind of sad.

I've got a big box of drink powder and I'm mixing it with bottom shelf vodka every single day. I look like hell now but I love being drunk being sober is gay and boring the only reason I should stop is to get a chick but desu being wasted is more enjoyable and less stressful than pussy

Morphine addiction bonus

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Leaving Las Vegas

>prohibition was the first law enacted after women got the right to vote
really makes you think

bad santa

because liquor is heavily taxed and thus makes money for the government
that's why marijuana dispensaries are open too, because they are even more heavily taxed

Did he get buttfucked by the doctor at the end?

Trees Lounge
Last Night at the Alamo

>movie/show has characters get black out drunk
>they're totally fine the next morning

I'm looking at you, Das Boot

Mad Men

That's literally me and I'm 30 years old and have been drinking every day for 2~ years now. It's still rare to this day that I get a hangover.

I can kind of do that. I'll feel tired but won't have the typical hangover symptoms.

Alcoholics need not apply

Factotum or anything based on Bukowski books

Bad Lieutenant
but that's more of a drug addict movie than an alcoholic movie

because nobody with corona is going to buy liquor. alchohol is one of the worst things you can consume with a flu. constricts blood vessels, weakens immune system, lowers core body temperature which helps virus thrive

don't mix your booze with beer or wine

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Trees Lounge

Attached: trees-lounge.jpg (545x307, 40.67K)

But my drinking schedule is not constant it's only at night, so I'm not mitigating hangover symptoms with alcohol like most hardcore alcoholics do.

I assume so, he does decide to get the fuck out of the town when he wakes up the next morning. I guess it was the final straw.

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