what are some quarantine kinos?
Movies about quarantine
Anything with Bryce Dallas Howard
the one where all the leftists in New York die a painful death choking on their own vomit
>lockdown? it should be in place until 2022 at the earliest
this gonna be me desu
i should start exercising
This IS my gut over the last 5 years, no coof necessary.
me except going from right to left and not in a good way
I should start doing the same. Somebody poked my belly at work today and called me doughboy. And I never notice this kinda stuff until I go up a size in clothes or whatever. Then again I don't have anyone to impress really, so whats the goddamn point?
damn cant wait to bone a thicc big belly qt after quarantine
your mother, user?
Freedom ain't free
Based architect
*clap clap clap*
dude i gained 50lbs last YEAR from not cycling
>eat like you're riding constantly
>always at work no time to ride except to and from work
>work is half a mile away
Doesn't the coronavirus kill fat people? Why would they actively make themselves easier to kill?
>i ate a diet that didn't match my life style on purpose
And? You chose. Enjoy your medical bill or your tearful panicked end on a hospital bed as your lungs fill with liquid.
lul thankfully I have a good set of dumbells and a bench at home, we're still allowed to go out freely here soI also go for a 5k joggerino 5 times a week, also haven't drank alcohol in a month
abs are starting to show, lads
Ill take june ;)
Get some scales and weigh yourself you fat cunt
>stop eating fast food, candy, pizza, and soda every day once quarantine begins
>have one can of soup a day, make sure I don't go over my ration
>maybe i'll have a candy bar or some chips
>actually starting to lose weight
>he didn't lose weight from the quarantine
Eating at home is so much healthier than eating at work, and being at home means I never stress eat snacks or soda in the afternoons when I'm sick of work for the day and wanna go home.
All gyms are closed and I can't properly work out for the first time in 10 years. Pushups and pullups just don't do it for me
Fucking hell I can't wait until Mcdonald opens
I'm gonna order so much food that i'm litterally gonna shit golden nuggets
Bros, my mom's starting to look thicker by the day too.
I hope you're ensuring that you don't become malnourished from lack of essential vitamins and fats. Eating low calories is fine but malnourishment is detrimental.
>means I never stress eat snacks or soda in the afternoons when I'm sick of work for the day and wanna go home
Boy, isn't that the truth. The vending machine in my office was the bane of my vascular system's existence.
*haven't drunk
>Muscles on the left are bigger than those on the right.
Okay, I'm /fatbulk/ now
Is mcdonalds closed in US? How do americans cope?
shut the fuck up
It hasn't been a problem yet. I will splurge twice a week or so to satisfy the cravings, but I keep them at bay for the most part. I think the bigger problem is muscle atrophy due to lack of exercise. I'm just too nervous about being outside right now.
Idk i'm yuropoor
Here everything is closed
The fatty Day of The Rope finally came
You look good mate
In my corner of yurupe drive throughs are open and you can uber eats pretty much anywhere.
Grow up
Yeah that's the other thing, if you're motivated enough, look into doing calisthenics at home. Fortunately for me I live next to a mountain that I go up every second day.
You had a good ride, tubby
>imagine the smell
Whats wrong with this again?
Castaway on the Moon!
Dubs checked.
Drive-thru only. The inside is closed.
You sure showed everyone by not doing cardio and bragging about making the taxpayer and insurance paying citizen foot the bill for your monstrous lifestyle.
Imagine the final fart noise as he leaves this realm, scared and isolated from his loved ones.
idiots likely infecting other idiots who will eventually infect and kill people who deserve to live
Because they're spreading a fucking virus?
God, you MIGApedes are retarded
Pierce is gonna be in heaven once this thing is over
I am disgusted
>t. 97kg
nah i'll be fine. already cut 15 since february
>started cooking more
>eating out less
I'm losing 2 pounds every week it seems, most likely water weight, restricting calories was the best decision I've ever made during quarantine
the struggle is real
I've put on 10 pounds since house arrest