ITT: Kino posters

ITT: Kino posters

Attached: x-men-first-class-poster[1].jpg (600x887, 48.39K)

I own this one

Attached: The Pest Poster ZoktL._SL1500_.jpg (1032x1500, 221.51K)

Attached: District-B13-Poster.jpg (354x500, 63K)

Attached: groundhog-day-box-cover-poster.jpg (296x400, 38.77K)

Attached: All_about_steve_poster.jpg (220x326, 23.71K)

Attached: 1C5F09C1-A9D0-4A95-AFCA-2191FF56EAD0.jpg (345x512, 77.81K)

Attached: bad-teacher-movie-poster-450x662.jpg (450x662, 81.59K)

Attached: jl.jpg (779x1200, 270.14K)

Attached: priest_poster_set_03_paul_bettany.jpg (1012x1500, 247.56K)

People always talk about Blart, but forget this poster kino.

Attached: Zookeeper Film Poster.jpg (1012x1500, 603.93K)

Personally I'm a fan of minimalism.

Attached: tumblr_mpmjvuQtyF1qb3mswo4_1280.jpg (800x1131, 136.48K)

Attached: Hold Your Breath (2012) Movie Poster.jpg (540x800, 82.35K)

How could Robert Downey Jr. believe that Doolittle could stand against this

Attached: michael douglas poster.jpg (960x1440, 250.7K)

Attached: 6-16.jpg (500x708, 83.23K)

Powerful tbqh

Attached: 1565370135512.png (463x645, 360.59K)

Attached: 12314234234.jpg (320x474, 41.77K)


Attached: 1565813257655.gif (224x224, 1.52M)

>Will Sasso holding in a fart

Hello, old friend.

Attached: xmen-first-class-magneto-poster.jpg (450x665, 36.67K)

Attached: world_is_not_enough_ver3.jpg (509x755, 70.23K)

Snikt, bub.

Attached: x-men first class bieb 1299754915228.jpg (450x665, 43.86K)

>This movie was released after From Paris with Love
Holy shit, what IRS money/alimony/child support does Travolta owe?

Attached: Travolta.jpg (177x285, 9.16K)

>poor little bat boy

Goddam, I’m watching this kino.

How about some popular trends?

Attached: action movie posters black and orange.jpg (1000x883, 215.9K)

Attached: MV5BMTZjNzJhOWYtMjZiNS00NmU2LTllYjAtOTAzMDk1NTI0ZTFkXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjc1NTYyMjg@._V1_UY1200_CR73,0,630,1200_AL_.jpg (630x1200, 120.85K)

Attached: movie posters running man.jpg (964x1024, 301.02K)

You can't beat Poland for kino posters. Try.

Attached: 0f63d67f6497e228d86d35138eb4eed1.jpg (1080x1080, 118.26K)

Attached: 8DB900A6-A1BD-4223-B171-DED1B858226B.jpg (875x1250, 145.42K)

It's pretty neat, from when parkour was all the rage.

Attached: when-dinosaurs-ruled-the-earth-movie-poster-1970-1020194374.jpg (520x812, 80.3K)

Attached: d977469aaa5d47ec6dffa68d27bc11ea.jpg (1920x2735, 393.88K)

Attached: polish-the-terminator-movie-poster-by-jakub-erol-1987-1.jpg (274x400, 31.75K)

Thinking about hanging myself.

cursed poster

Attached: non-family live action poster.jpg (900x1299, 451.33K)

Attached: 2eec9e6fa8d60ec53b6ea9afdbb4dd89--polish-movie-posters-design-posters.jpg (236x338, 15.08K)

please delet this

Attached: movie posters the eyes have it.jpg (1024x859, 253.25K)

This poster legitimately triggers me because I'm convinced the flowing hair on the left side of her has been CGI added. You can see that her hair is just straight down with no wind or movement but this random left side is flowing to the side.

Attached: captain-america-the-winter-soldier-scarlett-johansson-poster.jpg (1313x1915, 362.38K)

I don't understand this poster, why is he running along a blade?

Why didn't he keep the kino baldness. He looks even worse now

What was the artist trying to say?