What are some good Brit kinos

What are some good Brit kinos.

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lol why does that car look so tiny

Human Traffic
Bridge on the River KwaI
Life and Times of Colonel Blimp
Magnificent Men in their Flying Machines
Battle of Britain
Starred Up
Inbetweeners movie 2

parking favors specs

Everton is in south england

Green Street Hooligans

those magnificent men in their flying machines is my favorite anglo american film

1984: The movie!


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Dead Man's Shoes.

Oh! What a lovely war

It's in Liverpool you fucking retard.


List them in chronological order, and you can see the decline of Britain.

Just been on Big Black Cock 2

Cool song too

Oh shit



the beginning of the end, colorized

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Just started watching the inbetweeners on season 2 now. It's pretty funny but has some cringe moments. Should I watch the movie?

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Excellent thought experiment. Shame you can't find it on yt anymore in full.


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yep, worth putting on just for the opening credits


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>Bridge on the River KwaI
honestly the greatest movie ever made

>those swedish borders

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Nil by mouth.

Gary Oldman had made 1 movie and its fantastic

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Don't bring your somali cuckery and coronavirus to finland sven

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