”uhm...sir? Could you wait five minutes outside, we are still cleaning”

>”uhm...sir? Could you wait five minutes outside, we are still cleaning”

What do you do?

Attached: 7A8AB007-0A4D-406E-908C-00220E35C69A.jpg (225x225, 8.86K)

>What do you do?
Kiss him. He's relentlessly handsome.

take a seat

Ask how I can become a ghostbuster like him

I awkwardly leave as they judge me for holding my body weight in fried food

Wait patiently while pretending to text my imaginary friends on my phone

Sure, sure.
*squat down and take a big smelly shit on the floor*
You missed a spot, wagie.

Are you me

never arrive early you rookies

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Yikes, here ok the /tv sub we respect people who clean theatres

My favorite part is that all of these hinge on the idea that everyone is paying enough attention to you that they'll notice your little tricks. Whoever wrote this has bad anxiety and/or lives in a small town.



>going to the theatre
Uh ill just watch on my computer

this was me

>spit on the floor
>look him in the eye
>look at the black guy

rip off my pants like Detective Dan

or it's a joke

*waits 5 minutes outside*

ok janny but it better be clean

Go back to the lobby and chat with Robert while I wait.


Used to work at a cinema. The amount of people that refused to leave and would take a seat while we cleaned was horrendous.

i pissed in cups in my local theater and knocked down an old bitch who screamed at me for kicking her seat, which i didn't this list is not for me

Slash his intestines out and say "you missed something" as they spill over floor

This was the biggest annoyance when I worked as an usher.
People would legitimately walk in 10 minutes early and try to pretend I was incompetent when the people from the previous show hadn't left yet.
Goddamn I hate people.

Haha, I'm an edgy 14 year old as well fellow Redditor!

The worst part was Cineworld, the greedy fuckers understaffing us, putting shows so they almost overlap, supplying us with crappy brooms. The job had the potential to be so comfy and they always threw sticks under your legs in order to save some change.

Those people paid your salary, wagie. Remember, the customer is always right.

Just go sit somewhere they've already clean.

Don't be a cuck.

god I hate small towns, the lack of anonymity makes every time you venture outside such a chore

beat off in the men's bathroom
